Wednesday, 30 May 2007

It's the final countdown!

I can't believe it but it's actually happening! In a few hours I will be graduating..! I am soo tired right now and I really need my "beauty-sleep" so this is the reason for why this post is so short. Enjoy the picture! That will probably be my bottle tomorrow! Yay! Sweet dreams! Cross your fingers for me, I really hope that there will be no rain because that would ruin the entire day!

One of the best evenings of my entire life!

I had such a great time last night. The dinner went great with all the good food and the beautiful speeches! (I almost cried when I was listening to Axel's..!) A small group in the class had organized different nick-names to give all of us students in the class. Or they had made silk-ribbons where they had written the nick-name.

They also had created small poems to everyone so that we could guess for whom the name was dedicated to. I got to be "Miss Optimist" which I guess that everyone who knows me would say that it suits me. I was very happy during the entire evening! And I sure did have lots of fun.

Anyway the schedule is still very busy; only 1 day to go!! Then I will finally be graduating! Yay!! So I better get dressed and I have some other friends who are graduating today so.. So long dear readers! I promise you'll hear from me soon and..! I will post some pictures from last night! Haha everyone was crazy....! Ciao!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007


I can't believe I forgot it! My mother bought some delicious chocolates yesterday at the grocery store. Haha I guess I'll have a good desert then ;) If you haven't noticed my mood is on top! Don't ask my why.. I'm just happy! Ciao!

Tonight's the night!

Party party party! Tonight is the big skiva..! Our party which we have organized with the teachers and parents etc. It's like the "last supper" haha no not really but it's like the last dinner we will have together as a whole class together with all the teachers and parents. We decided to celebrate it at the restaurant called April close to Gallerian (a big shoping mall) in Stockholm.

After the dinner we will have the party which starts around 10 PM when all the parents and other family members leave and the rest of the people which we sold our tickets to will come! (friends, girl/boy friends etc!) It will be great!

Although it feels as if I have one million things to prepare leaving the house at 6 PM.. I don't know if I have enough time but I'll do my best! (True optimist all the way..!) First I need some lunch I'm starving! Have a great day!

P.S I'll ask my brothers to take some pictures of my outfit before I leave later tonight so hopefully you'll see some pictures tomorrow! Ciao! D.S

Blog addicted?

Carrie writing on her laptop during one of the episodes in "Sex and the city"

Here I am. Writing in my blog once again. It's late but I felt that I should tell you that the consert went well! I think I made my parents really proud which made me feel even better. Anyway as I stood in the shower a thought crossed my mind.

Have I become blog addicted? I guess that I could say I am. If one would look on the nr of previous posts I've written over the last couple of months one would see a big difference! (I have started to write more and more posts for each day that passes us by!) Crazy isn't it..?

I'm sorry but I can't write more I'm soo tired, it's been a long day. You'll probably hear from me tomorrow.. ;) A promise I know I can keep. Sweet dreams!

Monday, 28 May 2007

Sofia singing live at Grünewaldsvillan.

Yepp you read it right. Tonight at 7 PM I will be performing at Grünewaldsvillan in Saltsjöbaden - Stockholm. Every year they have smaller conserts where students have the opportunity to participate at the conserts by contributing with either song or other musical skills.

In my case I have been singing since I was 7 or 8 years old.. Which means I'm quite experienced by now. And I must say, it is one of my greater passions. Anyway, I have to leave soon because we have to be there one hour before to test the microphones etc.

So wish me good luck tonight and if you don't have anything to do you are more than welcome to come and listen :) (I will not be the only person singing..!) Have a great afternoon! ♥ /Sofia

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Trouble sleeping.

I actually went to bed one hour ago.. But I haven't been able to fall asleep. I keep thinking; what if someone was lying next to me.. What if he would let me fall asleep in his embrace.. Just to keep me safe..

I could experience that wonderful feeling of having someone watching over you while you sleep.. Someone that would keep an eye on you and that would warm your little feet.

Wishful thinking I guess. It feels as if I ruined everything. I'm afraid that things will never be the same again..?

Congratulations Engla!

Talking about a big surprise! I just read the latest posts in Engla's blog. Congratulations to you Engla and your beloved R! Apparently they surprised their closest friends and other relatives by celebrating their birthdays since both of them turn 25 this year. Although the day turned out to be different because everyone was invited to a small but beautiful wedding (I'm sure it was beautiful because it's Engla we're talking about..)

Hopefully she will post some pictures from the big day! If you haven't read her posts then I strongly suggest you to do so! Once again; Congratulations to you two! ♥ /Sofia

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Jake Coco - Best love song I ever wrote.

This young man really captured my heart when I listened to this song on youtube. And I must say that I agree with the title of it! Sweet dreams! ! ♥ /Sofia

Mood: Bored.

Don't ask me why. I'm just bored. Tired & bored - what a great combination.. Although I must say that I am very proud of myself! I actually managed to go through and organize the majority of my papers from school today.

During the exams my room was a total disaster! Papers, books, notes all over the place. So it feels good to finally have some order again because normally when I'm not under stress I keep everything tidy and clean - and perhaps a little bit of a freak? I mean who puts all the binders and books in alphabetical order? Haha well I do..

Hmm sorry this was no fun at all. I better go out and check what my brothers are doing in front of the tv. I guess it's time for me to stop their addiction to the game "Halo" .. :) Later!

Elin Kling.

Picture: Elin's blog

Wow. She's done it again. Elin Kling, the 24 year old woman who's become one of Stockholm/Sweden's most popular fashionistas. If you would ask me I think that she gives us alot of good inspiration by combining her outfits of both vintage clothes with brand-name clothing.

In this very moment Elin is now in Monaco watching the Formuel 1 races. I wish I could be there too! She's been posting different posts in her blog telling us what she's experienced over there but also of course, she's showed us different outfits that she's worn down there. Where this picture above is one of the latest ones!

She's stunning. Love the dress! (The "little black dress" always works.. One of the golden rules!) As always I'm looking forward to read more posts from her and to see other new outfits! For all of you who might disagree with me, remember. This is my blog where I write about what I like. So take it or leave it! Ciao!

I wonder.

Haha I must say that I laughed alot when I read the previous post about "my personality" - the Aquarius. There were a few facts that might be correct but when they describe us (the people who are Aquarius) with words such as ".. Rebellisk ... struntar i andras åsikter. Är ofta rent ut sagt "tjurskallig!" ... avvisande attityd .." one starts to wonder.. Is this how people actually see me? I hope not :/ (I guess I should say that I was inspired from Nienke's blog!)
Anyway got to run! I'll write more later! Ciao.


Vattumannen (21 januari - 19 februari)

Meddelsam, intellektuell och positiv

Nyckelord: Förening, revolution, vågor, telepati, exentritism, intuition, protest
Färg: Blå
Metall: Uran
Stenar: Safir och opal

Vattumannen längtar efter ombyte och personlig frihet. Vänlig och ägnar sig ofta åt humanitär verksamhet. Han har en komplicerad karaktär och verkar ofta "vara kommen från en annan planet". De ser längre fram än de flesta andra och kan förutse händelser och konsekvenser. Självgod och självsäker anser han att hans avancerade idéer är de rätta och att således alla andra har fel.... Originell, oberäknelig och okonventionell, men också oerhört charmerande och vänlig. Rebellisk och struntar i andras åsikter. Är ofta rent ut sagt "tjurskallig!" Oberoende, uppfinningsrik, rationell och intelligent. Svårt att knyta vänskapsband, eftersom han har en avvisande attityd. Dock trofast och lojal i kärleksrelationer.

Lämpliga yrkesval: Författare, talare, föreläsare, vetenskapsman, uppfinnare, astronom, socialarbetare.
Fysiska kännetecken: Slank, rena drag, brett mellan ögonen och en behaglig mun. Känsligaste kroppsdel: Vader och anklar.

Friday, 25 May 2007

Pride & Prejudice.

Pictures: 1 & 2

As you might have noticed I am a fan of Jane Austen's novels where "Pride & Prejudice" is my absolute favourite novel. I fell in love with the beautiful story and when I saw the film where Kiera Knightley acted as Austen's main character, Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Bennet I knew that it had become my favourite novel and film.

Among the fantastic features that appear in the film I most certainly loved the English settings where they filmed it. My absolute favourite building is the Chatsworth house which was used as the exterior of Pemberley, Darcy's family home.

It has been my dream to go and visit the old and beautiful buildings where the different scenes took place in the movie. Now when I finally have the time I will try to find myself a job and work many hours so that I can fulfil my dream. Time for bed. Sweet dreams! ♥ /Sofia

Too much dancing = pain in the entire body.

Sounds wierd doesn't it? But it's true. When you've been out dancing for almost one entire week wearing shoes with a heel of 7 1/2 cm! Yes my dear friends, that leaves marks on the entire body not to mention the feet! Sometimes I wish I was taller.. But let's face the fact, I'm a shorty.

Anyway today I decided to wear my ballerinas instead of walking around in heels and I must say I feel soo bad for my body. It hurts everywhere! But I guess I can only blame myself.. No more high heels until tuesday! (when we will have our skiva/party!! And of course.. Our graduation day -> 31/5)

Luckily I love to spoil myself with massages.. And I know that my feet will be very pleased tonight when I'll be going to bed. Haha anyone else interested in a lovely foot massage? ;) So long! Have a nice evening.

Picnic at Djurgården.

(click on the pictures to see their original sizes)

Sorry for the bad update
concerning the pictures I promised to put up. But here they are! (Atleast two pictures..) Taken during the picnic we had at Djurgården and as you can see the sun was shining and we were all happy to be celebrating the fact that we have now ended IB!

The first picture was taken when we were eating and that was also before we started to drink one glass of wine which later turned into two glasses and later more than 2-3 bottles. Which explains the wierd behaviour on the second picture :) haha.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

5 hours to go.

Oh dear. It feels as if I have soo many things to do! Panic! I have planned to be at the party around 10 PM which means that I only have less than 5 hours to get ready etc.. Sorry I really got to run because on top of all this stress I also have to help my mother with a few things. Have a great evening everyone! ♥ /Sofia

KT Tunstall - Suddenly I See

Today's song. It makes me happy!


I must agree with Michaela. This is probably the best picture I have ever seen of Mary-Kate! Gorgeous black wayfarers, the white shirt and above all the hot feminin red lips! Wow! Smashing!

A new day.

It feels kind of cosy being home alone with my baby brother. He woke me up this morning and when I opened my eyes he looked at me with the biggest smile. Some people find it hard to understand it. But the truth is that both my brothers are like my very best friends. Two great guys which I trust with my entire heart. We can do everything together. It feels good to have them in my life. ♥

Anyway, today's a new day. Unbelivable. I just looked around in my room and I realized that I'm not finished yet.. Haha now since I have all the time in the world (for those who missed it I'm finally free from everything that has to do with the "IB programme" and the so called "gymnasium" meaning I'm finally done with high school here in Sweden! Hurray!)

Tonight I'm looking forward to another of these so called "skivas" - the party all students go to before and after they have graduated! It will be great. But before I leave the house later tonight I better be finished with my room. If I don't my mother will go crazy... Perhaps you have been there as well? ;) Have a great day! ♥ /Sofia

Wednesday, 23 May 2007


Silence. An angel has fallen.

Listen to the sweet summer breeze as it captures all of our senses. The sunlight starts to fade away. An emptiness even though it is May?

The happiest moment of our lives. I have even started to accept bands such as The Hives.

Still there is something missing. I close my eyes and try to listen.

Suddenly I feel blood taste. I am nervous again. The reason for why my nose starts to bleed. Still I wonder. Nervous for what?

I look outside the window. All I can see is the white full moon glittering on the water. It is dark. It frightens me.

The black endless sky stares back at me. An eternal echo. Is there someone out there keeping an eye on me?

A bright little star has captured my attention. I keep looking at it and suddenly it goes black. Gone. I realize. Yet another angel has fallen.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007


During this early morning I spent 3 1/2 hours dying my hair at one of the world's most famous salons; Toni & Guy (English company from the beginning..) I normally don't take care of my hair but I try to visit them atleast once or twice a year.

So I decided to fresh'n up my hair by adding some high lights in the hair and to be honest I always have that same satisfied smile on my face whenever I leave their salons. I must say that their "treatments" are worth every penny or "öre" as we call it in Sweden.. Anyway I'm too tired to post a picture now so I promise you will see some tomorrow! Have a good evening! ♥ /Sofia

Monday, 21 May 2007

Sienna Miller.

I guess that we are all familiar with the "little black dress" which everyone should have in their warderobe by now.. Anyway for the spring season celebrities such as Sienna Miller has introduced the "little white dress". As seen on the pictures above she mixes the simple white dress with gorgeous silver sandals and of course as the dot above the i she wears her black wayfarers. So chic. I'm lovin' it!


My room is a total chaos..! Clothes, books, notes, bags etc.. They are all in small piles all over the place! I better do something about it..

By the way, I went to school today and left two big paper bags with nothing but books.. It is hard to believe that I have been using them for almost 3 years now.. Amazing. Time really flies. But it feels good to be done with them. I am now officially closing this chapter and moving on with my life.

Better get started with the room. But I will publish another post later on to show you another fantastic outfit from one of my greatest idols in fashion.. Who is she/he..? If you want to know then stay tuned and you'll hear more about it later! Have a nice evening! ♥ /Sofia

Sunday, 20 May 2007

I'm taking a break.

Picture: "A Cinderella Story" (2004)

There are so many big questions in life. Unfortunately we do not always have all the answers. I believe that's a part of our life long journey. To experience new things and to seek for the answers.

I believe that the people who have been reading my blog already know that I'm a sucker for romance. In every single way. I guess that’s just who I am; an outgoing, down-to-earth girl, who loves to read and write poetry, being creative and who always seems to see the best in people.

I recently saw the movie “A Cinderella Story” with Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray. For all the guys reading this, yes the movie is a bit cheesy but as any other girl I loved it! Haha I know I’m 19 now and almost all Duffs’ movies are for girls under the age of 15 but I really don’t care.

It’s another of the cute American movies that has touched thousands of teenage girls around the globe. This is my confession:
I am one of them.

Anyway as I saw it the thought crossed my mind. In the movie Hillary Duff playing as Sam Montgomery finds her true love Austin Ames played by Chad Michael Murray. I don’t remember how many times I went; “naaw” … I think the movie is adorable, so for all the girls and perhaps there are some guys that want to have a good “role model” of how a true gentleman should act I suggest that you should see it!

I have begun to wonder. Where is my soul mate? You know, that person you can talk to forever and never get tired or bored of. The one person who can always make you laugh and smile. Someone you can share your interests with. A special guy/girl you can cry with. I believe you already know where I’m heading to. Yes, the so called perfect person. The one.

I’m sick and tired of waiting. I honestly think that I need some time away from all of this. Sure I will probably meet other guys, who will become really good friends. But I can’t take it to the next level. I won’t until I find him with the big H in the word him. It’s summer now meaning lots of good opportunities to meet new people. I’m going to have a great time. Travel, party and hang out
with friends. But if you’re out there, reading this … Then all I have to say to you is “May angels bring you in …” – Jimmy Eat World.

Good night.
♥ /Sofia

New bathroom.

Yay! Finally it's almost done! Our new bathroom is almost finished. Well we have the shower and the toilet and now we are waiting for the mirrors etc. I took my first shower in the bathroom for about 20 minutes ago and I must say it felt great! My new "mini" spa room.. :) Anyway now it's time for Desperate Housewives. (I'm going to watch some old episodes with my baby brother) Take care! ♥ /Sofia

Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel. It's on.

Pictures: Celebworld

I am so happy that Justin Timberlake finally met a beautiful woman like Jessica Biel. They looked so cute together as they were walking on the street in Manchester. (1st piture) Since Justin is doing his European Leg of tour Jessica had to come along..

On the second picture Jessica went out shoping with Justin's cousin. She's already met a few family members? I think that they are a beautiful couple! So move over Britney & Cameron. Jessica is here to stay.

Finally. Bedtime!

Today was another good but loong day. I really need to get some sleep and I've planned to sleep atleast 7 hours tonight (usually I sleep around 5-6 hours so..) So I'm of to bed! Good night, sleep tight! ♥ /Sofia

Saturday, 19 May 2007


Picture: La Redoute

Hot hot hot. Sorry I just had to post this picture of the sweater I want to buy next month, when I get my money so to speak.. Gorgeous! I love the adidas sweaters.

Today's plans.

I just eat lunch with my baby brother and now I'm planning to get into the shower than I'll meet up with Elise and we'll go to Sickla because we need to buy something for the birthday boy! Dexter turned 19 yesterday and we'll celebrate him tonight. Hmm I hope we'll find something!

Later I've also promised my brother to watch a movie with him tonight.. Got to be the there for him after all the things he has done for me ♥ and now when I have all the time in the world I want to do something for him. Anyway got to rush now really, take care! ♥ /Sofia



Finally it's all over. No more tests. No more exams. It feels great! Yesterday I celebrated the entire night with my beloved friends and we went to one of those "skivas" not ours but another class from Nacka Gymnasium. I came home around 3 AM so I am very tired today..

Although I have a busy schedule today! I'm a bit stressed right now so I better get back to you with more info and pictures ;) later! It feels wierd but the graduation day is getting closer and closer.. Soon I will be singing "för vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studeeenten, fy f*n vad vi är bättre" haha Axel's own comment on why we are a liittle bit better than everyone else. Have a great day! Ciao!

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Have a little faith in me.

Today is a brand new day. Hopefully a good day since I'm having one of my two tests today. I am tired and I'm longing for Sunday. Why? Because I have planned to sleep the entire day.

I want to close all my books. Storage all my notes. Leave it for a while and take a break.

This weekend will be the best! Shoping with my mother on saturday and sleeping on sunday! Finally I'll be able to nothing. Believe it or not but that's what I've been longing for. Writing in my blog, relax and enjoy every second, every minute, every hour well try to enjoy every day of the rest of my life. Have a great day! ♥ /Sofia

Poetry. Pt. I.

"Half the night I waste in sighs,
Half in dreams I sorrow after
The delight of early skies;
In a wakeful dose I sorrow
For the hand, the lips, the eyes,
For the meeting of tomorrow..."
Maud; A Monodrama (from Part II)
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Do you want to hire me?

Unfortunately there were not too many positive things happening today. Well the Swedish essay (the last and final test in Swedish) went quite good and I would say that I'm satisfied with what I wrote earlier today.

Afterwards I spent a few hours in town walking in and out visiting different stores to give them my CV to be able to find a job somewhere... It turned out to be much more difficult than what I had expected. I guess I'm a little too late with that..

We'll see how it ends. Although it feels good to only have two more tests..! Both of them in psychology. Cross your fingers for my tomorrow! Have a good night, sleep tight! ♥ /Sofia

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

This week's dream look.

(Source: picture)

Daria Werbowy really looks hot on this picture! Amazing when she's wearing such a simple outfit? Once again those gorgeous shorts.. I have to find a pair! Or I'll see if I can make a pair from my old jeans..

A new project that's what it is! And I must say, I love being creative ;) Anyway this is absolutely this week's dream look.. Have a nice evening!


I can't believe it I only have 3 more days of exams..! I'm soo looking forward to be done with everything. Still, even if school's over I have a long list of other things to prepare before the graduation day and all the days/nights we will be celebrating! So I've made a "what-to-do-list" ...

♥ Go out shoping with my mother! (Yes I've already bought my white dresses for the graduation but what should I wear on the "skiva"? .. I better find something this weekend!)
♥ I have booked a date to go and colour my hair! Well not the entire hair but I always do a few highlights here and there. (Picture will be posted afterwards!)
♥ I have also booked a date for a face "treatment" and to fix my nails both hands and feet ;) lovely!
♥ Later after the graduation I have also planned to do a Brazilian wax.. I have never done it before so if you have any tips for me please write a comment!
♥ I just remembered, my "curl machine" is broken! Oh dear.. Perhaps I should try and find a new one? Or maybe I can fix it.. I better ask my dad before something goes wrong :P

Later! ♥ /Sofia

Bob Sinclair - Sound of freedom.

Today's song. Oh I can't wait.. Friday - freedom..

I think today will be a good day.

Good morning to you all! I hope you slept well, I sure did. I don't know why but I have the feeling that today will be a good day. I only have one test in the morning! Yes! (Biology.. for one hour!)

Than I'll have to go home and study Swedish for tomorrow.. Got to run now but enjoy your day! ♥ /Sofia

Monday, 14 May 2007

Good night sweetheart.

(Picture taken by me outside my window)

Good night sweetheart. Finally I'll get some sleep after a long and exhausting day. Sweet dreams! ♥ /Sofia

You hurt me once. You hurt me twice. Therefor I believe it is time for a change.

Time flies and I have reached the point where I am so sick of rediculous lies.
From now on I will treat you the way you have treated me and that's how it's supposed to be.
I'm so sick of people who say that they are your friends but in the end they're really not.

It is time for a change.

I am no longer lost anymore. I feel stronger and I actually found my favourite store!
My true passion. The world's leading fashion.
I am leaving all this behind me. I am moving on you'll see.

New challenges, New goals, New dreams where the
sky is my limit.

I envy you Mischa Barton.

I wish it was me who was sitting inside that cab looking out on the streets of New York.. Damn you Mischa Barton, I envy you..

I'm literally dead.

I can't believe it. I actually survived the worst day of my life. 3 exams in one day! I didn't think it was possible but here I am still it feels as if I'm literally dead..
I believe I deserve a long and hot shower after this day. So you will probably hear from me later! Ciao! ♥ /Sofia

Laura Sweden - Release me.

Isn't she beautiful? Kirsten Dunst. I love this picture of her. Funny thing I also heard this new song earlier today, you've probably heard it on the Saab commercial on tv? It's called "Release me" and is very beautiful too. Oh well I guess it's time to try and get some sleep.. Good night! Sleep tight.

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Today's song.

Enrique Iglesias - Do you know.

And do you know
Do you know,

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know that the lock on the door has changed.

If birds flying south is a sign of changes
At least you can predict this every year.
Love, you never know the minute it ends suddenly
I can't get it to speak
Maybe finding all the things it took to save us
I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me
Look in your eyes to see something about me
I'm standing on the edge and I don't know what else to give.

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know that the lock on the door has changed.

How can I love you, How can I love you, How can I love you ...
If you just don't talk to me, baby.

I flow through my act
The question is she needed
And decide all the man I can ever be.
Looking at the last 3 years like I did,
I could never see us ending like this.

Do you know

Seeing your face no more on my pillow
Is a scene that's never happened to me.

Do you know

But after this episode I don't see you, you could never tell the next thing life could be

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know that the lock on the door has changed.

Do you know what it feels like loving someone that's in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know that the lock on the door has changed.

Do you know,
Do you know, Do you know ...

The short black leather jacket.

You can see it everywhere. Almost all celebrities have it, both swedish and international. For my 19th birthday I bought one. A brown one still I wanted a black one more.

I kind of regret it now but I guess one can't have too many jackets after all.. Therefor next week I'm going to look for it in Stockholm's second hand stores and hopefully I'll find one. Cross your fingers for me! ♥ /Sofia

No energy.

I'm soo tired. Unfortunately I woke up too late again. No early morning for me. Big dissapointment. Anyway there's nothing to do about that now. The list is long for things I need to do. I can't believe it but I have 3 exams tomorrow?

How on earth is that possible?
One week left. That's what I'm telling myself right now. One more week than this entire nightmare will be over. Although I'm looking forward to finally graduate! This summer will definitely be the best! Have a great day! ♥ /Sofia

Saturday, 12 May 2007

New York... New York!

"One day I'll fly away. Leave all this to yesterday.." I'm still longing for my future trip to NY! As they say, "the city that never sleeps.." If only I could. I would! My dream has always been to celebrate christmas in New York.

(It all started when I saw Home alone, when Kevin went to NY all by himself. That's where I got the inspiration!) Anyway it's been a long day and I'm planning to get up earlier tomorrow. I'll try atleast. Sweet dreams! ♥ /Sofia

Good morning.

A very good morning to you all! There's no sunshine outside but I'm in a good mood. Yesterday I had an entire day off. No tests. Nothing. Although I did study some Biology and Swedish (big tests coming up next week!)

Anyway I did take a walk through town and on my way in I bumped in to my dear friend
Jessie. Funny thing cause this is the second time we meet randomly in town!
Later on I found a few things; two different colours of nail polish, a black body, a pink tank top, a black short skirt (picture borrowed from linn's blog) and a new pair of ballerinas!

Besides, yesterday was my brother's birthday! Happy birthday love! I can't believe you're 17 now? Time flies. So today we're gonna eat a delicious strawberry cake which my mother made yesterday. She's a specialist in the kitchen ;) Anyway time to start reading again.. Have a nice day! ♥ /Sofia

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Gisele Bündchen for Cacharel.

What can I say? I love the new advertise Cacharel has done for their new perfume "Liberté". (Don't you just love the name by the way?)

Liberté means liberty and I think it's a beautiful word! Besides I don't think that they could have chosen a better person for it, I mean, Gisele Bündchen! Wow anyway I love what she's wearing, which reminds me that I have to buy a white "big" shirt.. Perfect for the summer! Hmm while I'm in the shops perhaps I should go and check out the perfume as well! I'll write more about that later!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

I need a job!

The time is flying.. I just realized that I need to go out and find some kind of work for the late summer/fall for this year. But why do I have the feeling that it's a little too late..?

I've always wanted to work in a store, say H&M or something..! I would love it! Or something similar to that. I really have to take my CV and visit some stores.. This weekend or something!

Unfortunately I have one week left until my exams will be over. Remember that on the 18th I will finally be free!! No more exams..! YES! Sounds great now but I still have one last history test for tomorrow so I better continue now. Sweet dreams! ♥ /Sofia

Nelly Furtado - Say It Right.

Today's song. Listen to the lyrics. Say it right..

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Confession Pt. I

Dag ut och dag in, de finns alltid där. Tankar om dig, tankar om mig.. Önskar verkligen att du var här.

När solen skiner som varmast, när regnet slår ner som kallast. Glada känslor jag hyser för dig, stora rädslor jag bär inom mig.

Drömmer jag? Låt inte detta bli ännu ett slag.. Mitt hjärta slår och slår, varje dag blir jag påmind om detta djupa sår.
Ett ärr som blivit inristat i mitt hjärta, en oförglömlig smärta. Jag vill berätta, men samtidigt inte utsätta..

Utsätta dig för sorg och smärta, det mår varken du eller jag bra av och allra minst mitt hjärta. Det sägs att tiden läker alla sår, hur kommer det sig då att det fortfarande kan fällas ännu en tår?

Du är underbar, du är också sårbar.. Jag vill se dig skratta, jag vill se dig le. Det är mitt hopp så ta inte bort det om jag så måste be.

Du ger mig mer än du någonsin kommer att kunna förstå, din glädje och din lycka det får mig att vilja trippa på tå..
En lycka ingen någonsin kan ersätta, en glädje som endast du kan mätta. Missförstå mig inte nu, allt jag tänker på är du..

Jag litar på dig och jag hoppas du även litar på mig.

Du ger mig styrka när jag är svag, du ger mig glädje i princip varje dag. Tankar om dig, tankar om mig..

Jag blundar, jag tänker och allt jag ser är dig och ditt vackra leende som blänker.. ♥ /Sofia

"High" fashion.

I guess nobody missed the new looks of the two Olsen twins, Ashley and Mary-Kate? They look gorgeous and I must say that they also follow the new trend of the "high" fashion.

I'm referring to both of their clothing since they have such a high waste (Ashley’s black pants and Mary-Kate’s black skirt) A new trend that many fashionistas have accepted and try to follow so prepare yourselves for a new look on the celebrities and perhaps it will show up on our streets here in Stockholm..?

Monday, 7 May 2007

Change of weather.

It has been a wierd day I must say. It all started with a grey and cloudy day then the rain popped out and I think it was raining for a few hours and now? All there is now is a powerful sun shining outside my window on a cloudless sky. Amazing.

Anyway the maths test went better than I had expected. But I'm still nervous for paper 2 tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Now it's time for a shower! My brother came to pick me up at school after the test with his moped and now I smell like exhaust fumes. :/ So I'll probably write more later! Take care! ♥ /Sofia

Holiday paradise.

What can I say.. Take me to this place. Now! Have a great day :) ♥ /Sofia

Monday morning

Good morning! I can't believe it's already monday..?
Meaning I have my first big maths test today and the last one tomorrow. Yay! I'm soo looking forward to it *not*
Still it feels as I've been sleepless the entire night. Don't ask me why. All I know is that I'm tired.

Well I shouldn't loose the good mood now, since I've only got 9 more days of exams to go. Enough talking about this I need to find a picture that can give me some inspiration for today. Hmm I'll get back to you when I've found it. So long! ♥ /Sofia

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Thank you girls for last night! You made my evening. Still I had to wake up with the horrible headache this morning.. I think we had one to many glasses of wine. Although I had a great time.

What next? A loong shower because it feels as if I'm still asleep. After that I'll have to continue with my history-revision.. I wish these exams could be over now! ♥ /Sofia

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Maths and History weekend.

Good morning to you all! I wish I was sleeping right now but no.. I'm awake. Why? Because I have this huge pile of notes and books I need to revise for the tests next week. So boring.. But it has to be done! I hope your day turns out better than mine.. Enjoy the beautiful day! ♥ /Sofia

Friday, 4 May 2007

Tell me how you want it.

Let me show you what I am capable of.

I want to make sure that you are not confused and that you do not enter something without assuring me that you will give one hundred per cent. I want to carry your big and comfortable sweaters so that I can keep your wonderful scent. I want to be the reason for why you call. Just don't let me fall.

I want to be that special someone. A loving and caring person. Someone you can always rely on. Your other half. I want to be the one that surprises you with my creative ideas. (As seen above) I want you to feel that you can laugh with me. I want you to feel that you can cry with me. I want to listen to all of the things you want to say. After all, it's only May..

I want to be everything you've dreamt of. I wouldn't have said all these things if I didn't care. Guys like you are very rare. I have opened up myself and I wonder how I dared? Anyway it's getting really late now and I feel like sleeping so sweet dreams! ♥ /Sofia

Thursday, 3 May 2007

The first impression.

Amazing. I have never spent so many hours of talking both on msn and later on the phone with anyone. Atleast not that I can recall. A part of me didn't want to hang up.. It felt as if I could have been talking all night. I was happy, because you made me smile.

All I can say is that you made a great first impression on me. That's all.
Today is a new day. New challenges to meet. I'm in a very good mood so I don't think there should be any problem. Thanks to you. Have a great day everyone! ♥ /Sofia

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Maria Mena - Miss You Love.

Today's song. Dedicated to this special someone.

Today's list.

I have to begin this post by saying, have you looked outside the window? It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining through my window and I can't see a single cloud on the blue sky! Lovely!

Anyway I've made a list of a few things I have to do today so here it is.

* Go out for a power-walk (30-40 min)

* Continue studying; English, Maths & History

* Ask my mother to buy me a set of pens (for the exams!)

* Ask her to buy a battery for my calculator (for the exams!)

* Clean/Organize my room (It's not that bad but I just need to pick up some things to make it more tidy..)

* Continue studying ...

That's all I've got planned for today. Better get dressed and go out in the fresh air! Have a great day dear readers! ♥ /Sofia

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Sienna Miller.

All I can say is wow. I also have to quote one of Stevie Wonders most famous songs which he wrote to his daughter the day she was born namely "Isn't she lovely?"

Sinna Miller is one of my favourite actresses and also a big inspiration, if you ask me what beauty stands for I would probably answer by giving you her name. Her charm, her glow, her smile and her eyes yes well the list can continue forever. I am sure that there are millions of men and women around the world which would agree with me.

She is one of the most beautiful women on this planet. Sienna is also famous for her good taste when it comes to fashion, having the ability to mix new clothing with vintage. Now that's a talent worth mentioning! Anyway I am as you probably already have noticed a big fan of hers and I love the work she has done in the "movie-world" of Hollywood.

Anyway it's bedtime! :) May you all have a good night/day depending on where you are on the planet! Take care ♥ /Sofia

Channel 5 tonight.

Finally it's tuesday! I'm looking forward to spend a few hours in front of "Ugly Betty" and "Desperate Houswives. So I have something to look forward to! But first, back to the books..

What "IB" stands for.

For those who don't know what "IB" stands for, read the text on the picture above and you'll understand what I've been going through for almost 2 years now.. Haha, enjoy!

P.S If you click on the picture you will see it in its full size! Way much easier to read.. D.S