It's been 10 years..
(Click on the picture for a bigger and better view!)
I cannot believe that it's been 10 years since Princess Diana passed away in that terrible car accident on the 31st of August in Paris, France during 1997.
I therefore want to dedicate tonight's post to honour her memory by publishing this picture which I created myself and to say that even though she was considered to be "England's Rose" as Elton John sang on her funeral she was a classic and elegant lady who had an enormous heart with plenty of room for everyone, no matter which colour they had on their skin, their origin, age or rank in society.
I must not forget to mention that she was loved by many but above all she was also one of the greatest mothers since she did everything she could to protect her two beloved sons, William and Harry.
She wanted to show the rest of the world how important it is to help other people that are in need. She did many great things and created new bonds between people and organizations such as the Red Cross from different countries all over the world.
I want to end this post by quoting Elton John's famous song "Candle in the wind" which he sang at Princess Diana's funeral. "... And your footsteps will always fall here. Along England's greenest hills. Your candle's burned out long before. Your legend ever will.."