A is for age: 20 on the 26th of January!
B is for booze of choice: Coke with ice and a fresh lime slice.
C is for career: Graduated from high school may 2007, future plans are to study abroad!
D is for your dad’s name: Gunnar
E is for essential items to bring to a party: High heels of course.
F is for favourite song at the moment: Hmm I don't know. I listened to NeYo and Rihannas new song earlier today, "Hate that I love you" or something like that..
G is for favourite game: I haven't played a game for ages, but I guess I would say Sims, does that count?
H is for home town: Stockholm
I is for instruments you play: Keyfiddle (Nyckelharpa in Swedish)
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry jam with Swedish pancakes!
K is for kids: Lots of them! (I hope) I really want to have a big family, 3-4 kids.
L is for living arrangements: Still living at home with my family
M is for mother’s name: Maggie
N is for name of your crush: Did you actually think I would write that down? ;)
O is for overnight hospital stays: Hmm a few when I was younger when I got operated for a few things but after that none.
P is for phobias: Dark rooms and spiders.
Q is for quotes you like: "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." - George Sand
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Two years.
S is for sartorial style: Skinny jeans together with high heels and a cute top - the perfect party outfit!
T is for time you wake up: Around 7 during the week and I try to sleep more on Saturdays.
U is for underwear: Depends on the outfit and what mood I'm in.
V is for vegetables you love: Cucumber, tomatoes and some fresh salad together with a few drops of olive oil - that's simply one of the best salads!
W is for weekend plans: I'm going to France on Saturday!! I'll be away for a week.
X is for x-rays you’ve had: None I think.
Y is for yummy food you make: I love chicken and salmon. So the dishes vary a lot. But I also love to make tacos for the family on Fridays usually.
Z is for zodiac sign: Aquarius