Picture: Vogue
My family and friends may think I'm crazy for spending my precious time with you. A part of me tells me to listen to them still, positive as I am, I keep my hopes up for us and the time I spend with you.
You have bewitched me, body and soul. I find it hard to get out of this deep black hole.
Confused as I am, it even makes my heart frightened and uncertain for what is right and what is wrong. Troublesome thoughts keep aching inside my mind, all night long.
To be able to fall alseep in your warm and safe embrace, knowing that you would love me, protect me and do anything for me. That's what true love is all about, why can't you see?
The way I hoped to see my soul's reflection in your eyes. Forgive me but I am tired of telling myself all these ridiculous lies.
Let's be honest, there is no us, only you and me. Two individuals, two hearts, two souls and that is just the way it is supposed to be.
A person once said, "You can't lose something you never had." could this truly be true? In that case please tell me why I still find it so hard to get over you?
P.S. The beautiful picture has nothing to do with the poem since they portray two opposite messages. However I did find most of the inspiration while writing this poem by observing it and for one second it felt as if they (Carrie and "Big") have everything I don't have, perhaps one day I'll be in Carrie's shoes.. D.S.