Monday 29 January 2007

New start of the week.

Last night I had the worse stomach ache ever. I don't know what happened but I had so much pain that I almost couldn't move. Anyway when I finally went to bed I thought it would go away, but no sir, I've had it throughout the whole night.

My biggest guess is that is because of stress. These upcoming weeks will be a "living nightmare" because of the mock-exams and preparating for the "real" exams in may. (It's difficult to explain but this is what every IB-student has to do now during this period...)

Anyway, I really need to put myself together. Otherwise I'll never make it.. I need some inner strength. That's all.

Therefore I've decided to take it easy today. Stay at home work a little on some things that I have to finish off for school etc. Hopefully I'll be better later on in the afternoon.

I hope you'll have a nice day! Take care, ♥ /Sofia

1 comment:

wille said...

Hejhej! Vad kul att du kikade in på min lilla blogg:)
Jaså, jag har varit lite i Hudik när jag var yngre faktist. Vi hade sommarstuga i Lönnånger, typ vid Gnarp!:P

Förresten vad är det du läser till för något?