Sunday 29 March 2009

Probably the best feeling in the world.

I miss you every second we're apart. Still I hold the memory of you close to my heart. Every time I enjoy your precious smile you make my day. I'm glad we both feel the same way, otherwise I wouldn't know what to say.

This is probably the best feeling in the world.

Friday 27 March 2009

Kent - Utan Dina Andetag.

Dagens låt

Jag vet att du sover
känner värmen från din hud
bara lukten gör mej svag
men jag vågar inte väcka dej nu

Jag skulle ge dej
allting du pekar på
men bara när du inte hör
vågar jag säga

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
när du inte ser på
och genomskinlig grå
blir jag
utan dina andetag

Min klocka har stannat
under dina ögonlock
fladdrar drömmarna förbi
inuti är du fjäderlätt och vit

Och utan ett ljud
mitt hjärta i din hand
har jag tappat bort mitt språk
det fastnar i ditt hår

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
när du inte ser på
och färglös som en tår
blir jag
utan dina andetag

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå

om du inte ser på
och genomskinlig grå
vad vore jag
utan dina andetag

Vad vore jag
utan dina andetag?

Thursday 26 March 2009

Terrific Thursday.

Mood: Struggling butterflies inside my stomach
Done: Breakfast (check), shower up next
Plans: Study & work
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: Håkan Hellström - Jag ger Dig min morgon
Reading: Nothing at the moment
Drinking: Lipton's tea
Eating: Nothing at the moment
Best: My love
Worst: The tests next week
Weather: Nothing but an endless blue sky but very cold!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

A day to remember.

Picture: DeviantArt

The smell of your scent still lingers on my skin and reminds me of sweet lavender.
I will make a special mark on today's date in my calender.

For today shall be a special day to remember. I love the way you always hold me tight and the way you kiss me so soft, so tender.

After all it feels like I have found my soul mate. Two people have become one and they were brought together by fate.

You mean the world to me. Somehow it feels like this was meant to be. From today on it's just you & me

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Lång lista.

Lovar du att vara ärlig? Ja
Du heter: Liv Sofia
Smeknamn: Fia & knuff (från "fia med knuff")
Låt som när du är ledsen sörjer till?: Evanescence - My Immortal
Beroende av: Musik & myskvällar med familj och vänner
Vad tror folk om dig?: Att jag är en fin, ordentlig flicka som växt upp med silversked i mun, kaxig.
Stämmer det?: Ja och nej. Jag har nog varit en ganska ordentlig flicka som skött mig genom att avstå från rökning och droger med mera. Jag har dock inte vuxit upp med silversked i mun. Har alltid fått kämpa för att komma dit jag vill, och har haft mycket emot mig, folk som inte trott på mig osv. Är definitivt inte kaxig (enstaka tillfällen isåfall) utan ganska snäll, oftast för snäll :)
Vad får du oftast komplimanger för?: Mitt hår, leende och blåa ögon. Tack!
Vad säger du för att imponera på någon?: Nej jag kan inte imponera på folk medvetet, är bara mig själv och hoppas det duger
Hur imponerar man på dig?: Människor med fötterna på jorden, en stor dos humor, ett varmt och ödmjukt hjärta och någon som verkligen är intresserad av en som person, som lyssnar uppmärksammat. Folk som vågar gå egna vägar.
Brukar du skratta för dig själv?: Haha ja, det går inte en dag utan att jag gör det!
Vad står det i ditt senast inkomna SMS?: "Vi äter frukost då. Sen lunch strax efter tolv :)"
Var bor du?: I Stockholm, Nacka.
Trivs du där?: Jag älskar att bo här, har ju mina vänner och familjen här. Sedan är det ett väldigt vackert område året om.
Äger du några converse: Ja ett par
Sprit, cider, vin eller öl: En kall cider eller öl under sommaren är gott annars blir det vitt vin när man är ute på andra sociala evenemang.
Brukar du bli för full: Det har tyvärr hänt, men som tur är lär man sig av misstagen. Jag är nog lite mer försiktig idag.
Vad har du för mobil operatör: Telia
Är du allergisk mot något: Nej inte längre, tidigare laktosintolerant
Har du haft sex idag: Haha, nej
Hur svarar du i mobilen: "Hej, det är Sofia"
Vem ringde du senast?: Hem
Vad sa den du senast pratade med i telefonen: Att det fanns mat till mig hemma, haha
Antal timmar sömn inatt: Ca 6-7 timmar
Sov du ensam: Ja tyvärr :(
Brukar du komma i tid: Haha tidigare var jag väldigt dålig på att passa tider. Sedan jag började jag umgås med två tjejer som råkar vara tidspessimister, så jag har blivit betydligt bättre - man blir väl som man umgås!
När mår du bra: När de jag älskar mår bra och är friska och glada
När blev du fotad senast: Det skulle blivit av i helgen men vårt batteri till kameran dog, så innan det måste det ha varit på Alla ♥ Dag-festen som jag var på i februari tror jag.
Hur känner du dig nu: Lycklig
Vanligaste färg på dina kläder: Det varierar men oftast blir det svart, vitt eller marinblått
Vad tycker du om fötter: Haha att de är riktigt små
Vad saknar du:
Den finaste och gladaste personen med det största hjärtat på denna jord
Hade du en bra kväll igår:
Mysigaste kvällen på väldigt länge, alldeles underbar!
Favorit dryck på morgonen:
Liptons "Forest Fruit Tea" eller C-vitamin brus
Rakar du benen:
När brukar du oftast gå och lägga dig:
Det varierar men oftast någon gång mellan 22-23
Är du blyg?
: Ja ibland
Sysslar du med någon idrott:
Nej inte längre. Spelade tennis, red och dansade tidigare.
Vill du hellre ha mail än brev:
Ja för snabbhetens skull, men innerst inne så skulle jag bli betydligt gladare om jag fick ett fint kärleksbrev, hehe hopplös romantiker.. :)
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet:
Ja (♥)
Har du spytt offentligt: Haha det har jag som tur var inte behövt uppleva (spyfobi..)
Vad skulle du göra om du vore kille/tjej för en dag:
Ja du, jag är ganska glad att vara tjej så jag vet inte vad jag skulle vilja testa som kille
Är du nöjd med ditt liv:
Ja jag är väldigt nöjd med hur mitt liv ser ut idag, med en underbar familj och några riktigt nära vänner så känns nästan livet fulländat. I framtiden önskar jag att jag ska kunna resa mer och hitta nya intressen som får mig att må bra och utvecklas
Är du bortskämd:
Ja det är jag nog, har sådan tur med fina människor omkring mig som tar hand om mig och säger fina saker
Vad gör du i morgon:
Plugg, plugg, plugg men annars så hoppas jag att jag kan spendera lite tid med en viss person *hint hint* :)
Vad är det värsta du vet?:
Människor som skadar djur och barn, människor som ljuger, baktalar folk och gör människor illa pga avundsjuka
Hur mycket pengar brukar du slösa på en vecka?:
Jag slösar väl aldrig, hehe
Vilken kändis tycker du är en bra förebild?:
Svårt men om jag måste välja en; Angelina Jolie
Vad längtar du till?:
Vår, sol, värme, sommar. Tack!
Har du bra vänner och äkta vänskap?:
Ja verkligen, too good to be true ♥
Vad använder du för shampoo?:
Tigi Bed Head Dumb Blonde varvas med Herbal Essences "ros" schampo
Vad är det finaste du fått?:
Min 18-års present från mamma och pappa :)
En speciell dag du minns:
Oj vad svårt.. Det finns ju så många! Men får nog allt ta och säga 22 mars... :)
Hur gammal är du:
21, fyller år den 26 januari
Tycker du om någon just nu:
Ja *rodnar* ♥
Du samlar på: Doftljus
Gröna eller röda äppeln: Röda (favoriten är Royal gala)
Vem ringer du när du är arg/ledsen:
E eller L ♥
Gillar du golf:
Nja, har dock aldrig försökt men tror att minigolf är roligare :)
Vilken tid gick du upp idag:
Har du sovit i din egna säng inatt:
Har du strumpor på dig nu:
Nope, har på mig mina grå sheppards
Är det okej att gråta: Absolut
När grät du senast:
Igår (lyckliga tårar)
Vad skulle du göra om du vann en miljon:
Spara en del, skänka en del och resa :)
Bär du glasögon eller linser:
Inget av alternativen
Tycker du det är viktigt att ha märkeskläder:
När går du upp ur sängen en helgmorgon:
Allra helst så sent som möjligt men oftast brukar det bli mellan 10 och 11
Har du piercing:
Hål i öronen
Vill du gifta dig:
Vill du ha barn:
Ja när jag är färdigutbildad, gift och har ett fast jobb
Solar du ofta:
Nej, inte nu längre.
Är du bra på att laga mat:
Ja hyffsat, lär mig nya saker varje dag!
Är du flygrädd:
Brukar bli lite spänd under själva starten men sen går det oftast över
Hur vig är du:
Inte så vig
Är du musikalisk?:
Ja, spelar, sjunger och trallar lite då och då :)
Vad dricker du helst när du är törstig:
Riktigt kallt vatten (gärna med is)
Vilken är din favoritglass:
Klassiska Sia eller någon från Ben & Jerry's
Tror du på ett liv efter döden:
Tycker du om sushi:
Ja, riktigt gott!
Vad äter du helst när du ser på film:
Godis eller chocklad
Bor dina föräldrar tillsammans:
Har du tandläkarskräck:
Njae men lite obehagligt är det allt
Är du morgon- eller kvällsmänniska:
Skulle nog säga att jag är en blandning av båda
Vilken ögonfärg har du:
Har du någon gång gråtit dej till sömns:
Ja det är inget att rekommendera
Biter du på naglarna:
Röker du:
Nej usch!
Hur ofta tränar/motionerar du:
Jag powerwalkar ca 5 gånger i veckan
Senaste låt du hörde:
Anna Ternheim - My Heart Still Beats For You

Sunday 22 March 2009

It's a small world after all.

Life and love itself normally surprises us at times when we least expect it. The second of them stroke down like lightning the other day and hit me deeper than I ever thought was possible.

I'm still speechless for what happened and maybe, just maybe I'll tell you the amazing story one day. For now all I can say is, "It's a small world after all..." :)

Saturday 21 March 2009

Ta av dig din truckerkeps!

Bild: Jag i biblioteket i min gamla skola - Observera att bilden är tagen HT 2004 (!)

Jösses här fick jag mig ett gott skratt när jag hittade denna bild (se ovan) från gymnasiet. Det är så roligt att se hur man utvecklas när det kommer till utseende, klädstil osv.

Jag har visserligen alltid klätt mig enligt mina egna principer, det ska kännas bekvämt samtidigt som det ska sitta snyggt. Och det har inte varit lika lätt alla gånger ;)

Men oftast har det inneburit jeans och någon topp som ovan. Det roliga med bilden ovan är vad jag har på huvudet, nämligen en "truckerkeps"! Och här är låten som ni alla säkert känner igen.

Jag hade totalt glömt bort att jag hade en sådan, undrar vart den har tagit vägen? Jag bokstavligen älskade den "We" kepsen.. Lantis i Stockholms innerstad? :P Ja det fungerade tydligen 2004..!

Focus on today and think a little less about tomorrow.

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." - Ashley Smith

This beautiful quote as mentioned above recently joined my collection of favourite and inspiring quotes. One can also find it written on my blog's right hand margin.

Anyway, the first time I read it I was feeling a bit blue which is why I was searching for something, a picture or just a few words that would cheer me up and so I found this quote. A reminder for people like myself or perhaps a wake up call for others.

For many of us life is all about getting a good education, graduate from (preferably) a well known University with good grades, join the "women/men" in black clan (I'm referring to all the people working in an office where it requires to wear black suits), get married to the woman/man of your dreams, family, house and I can't seem to find an end to this long list.

I'm not saying that one shouldn't do the listed things above on the contrary, I think it's great if one succeeds with it. The important thing is how we do it and how we feel during the steps in between. Like Ashley Smith says, "Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces." I believe that most of us tend to forget to live our life "now" and skip to the next step.

Before the day has ended we are already looking forward to tomorrow. There are many great and small things that happen along the way. Small things such as the bumble bee or great things such as seeing our sons and daughters growing up. "Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.", I couldn't agree more.

I know, it's usually easier said than done but remember that this is just a reminder to every one of us. Stop whatever you are doing and ask yourself how you are doing. We tend to forget about ourselves while focusing on other people around us. Breathe and stay positive, things will get better. Never stop fighting for your dreams.

Friday 20 March 2009

Damien Rice - Cannonball.

A beautiful song.

"Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on

Still a little bit of your ghost your witness
Still a little BIT of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer EACH DAY
Still I can't SAY what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

Still a little bit of your song in my ear
Still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer TO ME
So close that I can't see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball..."

Konturer i natten.

Det var bäcksvart. Högtalaren som stod på skrivbordet på motsatta sidan av rummet gav ifrån sig ett svagt blått sken. Den skulle fortsätta att lysa så även när den sista sången tonat ut. Omgivningen var ny men jag var aldrig rädd.

Du ingav förtroende och respekt och lät de hänga likt två oförglömliga pärlor runt min hals. Jag var trygg.

Samtidigt som endorfiner spred sig som en löpeld i mitt blod så försvann min trötthet och förmåga att sova. Du var trött och jag var klarvaken. Du var tålmodig nog att låta mina fingrar leka i ditt nyblivna rufsiga hår. I nattens mörker lät jag mina fingerspetsar agera ögon och smekte därför försiktigt känsliga områden såsom panna, näsa, ögonbryn, haka och kind.

Ditt ansiktes konturer speglades upp i mitt sinne och är nu sparade i mitt minne. Jag ville inte somna eftersom varje sekund med dig liggandes bredvid mig kändes värdefull. Det var nattens slut som jag fruktade och min innersta önskan var att den aldrig skulle ta slut. Desto fortare man somnar desto fortare går nattens sista timmar. Plötsligt hade vi vaknat av gryningens första ljus då natten nått sitt slut.

Timmarna gick. Det var bäcksvart. Helt omedvetna om den nya dagens ljus som befann sig utomhus insåg jag sakta att sanden i timglaset höll på att rinna ut. Jag gjorde ett sista försök att "fånga natten" som varit och viskade en sista önskan i ditt öra. Jag bad dig om att hålla om mig. Sakta slöt jag ögonen och andades in. Du höll om mig, jag log ett brett leende och andades ut.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Another chapter has ended.

Picture: DeviantArt

Finally today we made it, my heart and I. Together we reached the longed-for ending of one of my longest and painful chapters in my life. In your presence I listened for any disturbing thoughts or feelings but all I could hear was my heart's silence.

Finally I'm ready, to leave it all but remain as good friends. After so many years I'm ready to move on and this time it's for real.

Certain memories will never be forgotten and you will always have a special place deep inside my heart.

Thank you for putting out with me over these past years, thank you for wiping away my tears. And so another chapter has ended. Did I mention that I love happy endings?

Tired on a Tuesday.

Mood: I'm still feeling a bit sleepy, time to wake up, shower up next!
Done: Breakfast (check)
Plans: One class in the afternoon, go home and change, meet up with V
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: Kent - Socker
Reading: Nothing at the moment
Drinking: Water
Eating: Lunch in a few hours
Best: One more day to Wednesday.. :)
Worst: All the reading I've got to do this week
Weather: Still grey but hey, it's getting warmer!

Monday 16 March 2009


Picture: (right) DeviantArt (left) Private - Me

This is according to my personal opinion the most beautiful wild animal that has ever walked this planet. I proudly present the White Tiger. "Contrasts only make you stronger".

Every time I look at those blue angelic eyes my soul is filled with courage at times when I feel weak. This little innocent cub reminds me to keep on fighting no matter what obstacle life may throw at you.

A story worth telling.

E, one of my best friends told me a beautiful story earlier today over the phone. A story worth telling to your family and friends. This is how the story goes.

This is the story about a young boy and his father. One day the boy asked his father if he would run a marathon with him? The father answered, "Sure, why not?" and so they ran the race together.

A few weeks later the boy comes up to his father and asks him the same question, "Dad, would you run a marathon with me?" and so the father answered, "Sure, we'll do it again.".

A month later the boy comes up to his father and asks him this third time another similar question, "Dad, would you run an Ironman with me?" and so the father answered yes one more time, even though he was uncertain of what an Ironman really is.

For those of you who don't know here is the definition of it: "Endurance contest involving swimming, cycling, and running. Triathlons originated in California in the 1970s and became an Olympic event in 2000. Olympic and world championship triathlons consist of a 1.5-km open water swim, a 40-km bicycle ride, and a 10-km run. The sport's most famous event, the Ironman triathlon, is held annually in Hawaii and consists of a 3.8-km (2.4-mi) swim, a 180-km (112-mi) bicycle ride, and a 42.2-km (26.2-mi)
marathon run."

Now I would like you to take a look at the video posted below and keep this story in mind. Enjoy! :)

Nine West Gladiator.

Picture: Kaboodle
I'm still dreaming of these shoes... I still regret my stupid decision not to take them while I was at one of the biggest sales in Miami last fall (!) :( Stupid, stupid, stupid...

Sunday 15 March 2009

Black and White.

Finally it's getting warmer! According to the weather people they all keep saying that Spring is officially here but I've had my doubts since it's been cold and snowing several times these last couple of weeks. I can still see the thin traces of the white snow across our lawn. By next week they will probably be gone.

It's getting brighter every morning which is also a good thing and the days seem to get longer, the pitch black sky does not appear until late in the afternoon (around 6 PM) instead by 3.30 PM.

Despite of all these good signs I decided to go for a dark new layout, don't get me wrong though, I'm really looking forward to this bright season. Still, the two colours black and white have always been one of my personal combos. It's a classic that never fades.

Friday 13 March 2009

Lost, yet Surrounded.

Picture: DeviantArt

Am I the only one who can hear the misty forest call my name when I am fast asleep? I find myself walking around in circles and soon I have gotten way too deep.

A soft shiver is spread down my spine as the whirling wind catches my hair's light curls. All I can see is an endless sky, where the only hope of light comes from the new moon's reflection on my perfect pearls.

Suddenly I realize that I am lost, yet surrounded. Lost in something that seems to be a never-ending nightmare, surrounded by painful memories that makes me feel grounded.

Haunted feelings is spread and burn like a fierce flame inside my heart's secret chamber. The pain makes my trembling throat scream for forgiveness and that is when I loose my temper.

All emotions that I have kept locked up behind bars are suddenly released and so my tears bring my soul down under. I keep praying that someone will take care of all my inner thunder.

Am I the only one who can see my shadow grow and get darker for every day? I wish there was another way.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Tired on a Thursday.

Mood: Still sleepy, it's too early.. *yawn*
Done: Breakfast (check)
Plans: Test in 2 hours, meet up with A afterwards, dinner at S tonight
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: Marie Digby - Say it Again
Reading: Nothing at the moment
Drinking: Water
Eating: I've saved an apple for later ;)
Best: It's Thursday (!) and the test will be over today..
Worst: It's still too cold outside
Weather: Grey cloud bank but at least it stopped snowing

Wednesday 11 March 2009

An enchanted garden.

Pictures: Private - Taken by me on and outside our house lot

I simply had to take some photos with my iPhone today as I arrived home from town. Besides, by Sunday it will all have disappeared so I figured that I needed to act fast ;)

As you can see from the pictures above we really got plenty of snow (!) I haven't been able to measure how much but my guess is somewhere between 10 - 15 cm. I still think it's crazy considering we're already in March.. Somehow I'm in love with our new enchanted garden :)

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Friends Forever.

Picture: DeviantArt

I just found this adorable picture of these two cute ice bears. Which reminds me, bear hug anyone? :)

Waking up in a winter wonderland.

As I was talking to V last night over the phone I saw how the black sky opened up and down came the thinest of white snowflakes. It kept snowing the entire night and believe it or not it's still snowing as I'm writing this post (!).

Still since I really do love the winter season and snow so much it felt kind of cosy waking up to see this winter wonderland outside my bedroom window. I'm thinking about making some hot chocolate later.. :)

Another part of me is dying to put on my thin leather jacket and wear it together with light spring/summer dresses. Anyway I guess I'll let my fantasy remain somewhere deep inside my head, for now. Time for lunch!

Monday 9 March 2009

You don't know how long I've waited for this call.

Picture: Private - Me at New Year's Eve (2008/2009)

Who would have thought that something so ordinary like a simple phone call could wake up the deepest and repressed feelings of them all.. I simply cannot allow the fact that they still have this level of influence over me. It's gone from pathetic to unhealthy.

This is me, after you.
After your call, after your smile, after your existence..
This is me, after you.

Back on track.

Monday - meaning new start and a new week. I spent something that felt like an endless amount of hours on setting up new goals but most importantly this time I've put up small but realistic goals.

I'm talking about my health and the lack of energy I've been feeling these last couple of months since I stopped exercising regularly.

I hear and read about it everywhere and everyday, on the news, in magazines etc, people talking about the positive effects regular exercise do to a person's health today but also in the long run, I'm talking about let's say 20 years from now. I've been convinced to start again, taking baby steps that will hopefully show good results in the long run. So I'm officially back on track ;)

Sunday 8 March 2009

En vinterdröm.

Picture: DeviantArt
Du lämnade mig trollbunden likt vinterns första snö gör varje år. Din glada utstrålning värmde upp både kropp och själ för att inte tala om mina frusna små tår.

Du höll min hand i din och jag önskade att vår stund aldrig skulle nå ett slut. Mitt hjärta slog nervösa och ojämna slag i hopp om att den skulle finna en väg ut.

Dina ögon fick mig nästan att sluta andas då de lyste kristall klara som de vackraste safirer. Du gav mig en lekfull blick som påminde mig om Atlantens fria delfiner.

Din närvaro stärkte vårt nyblivna vänskapsband. Jag rodnar än idag när jag tänker tillbaka på min reaktion när du tog tag i min hand.

Du lämnade mig trollbunden likt vinterns första snö gör varje år. Du försvann lika snabbt som snöflingan gör varje år. Saknaden får mig att fälla ännu tår.

Saturday 7 March 2009

3 is a magic number.

Three jobs that I've had: Leader at a confirmation camp for youth, Telephone salesman, Shop assistant
Three cities that I've lived in: Sao Paulo (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico), Stockholm (Sweden)
Three things I like to watch on TV: News and the weather casts at svt1, House, The City
Three favorite dishes: Anything that involves chicken, Roe deer, Tacos
Three places where I wish I could be right now: Home, in a sunny and warm country or preferably my dream city, NY!
Three people that I challenge: To all of my readers: leave a comment with your answers on this post! Or write them in your blog and post the link and I'll check it out ;)

Summer of 2009.

Picture: New House

In early January this year I resigned from the Danish clothing brand "Jackpot" where I worked almost an entire year. I learned a lot about different sale techniques which are an important part of the policy's of the company.

Anyway I decided it was time to change working environment so I've been out looking for a new job. One must not forget that we're in a difficult time right now with the economic crisis still hanging over us. After that I'd been around a few stores must people said that they either had to let some people go because they simply can't afford to pay their salaries or they had some kind of stop when it comes to hiring new employees.

It's sad really, because I know there are many students just like myself out there looking for some kind of job to the summer. However I believe I was lucky when I managed to get myself a new job for the summer at the Swedish brand called "New House"! They seem like really nice people, especially the owner of the store who welcomed me with open arms.

I really have a good feeling about this so my goal is to work from mid June until July. At the beginning I was afraid I wouldn't have any work for the summer but now I'm more than glad that I got this opportunity. So for those of you who might still be looking for something, don't give up! If I could do it so can you! Good luck!

Soft Saturday.

Mood: Tired
Done: Breakfast (check)
Plans: Study and go to town with mom
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: The Fray - You Found Me
Reading: Nothing at the moment
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing at the moment
Best: It's going to be a comfortable weekend
Worst: The test next week
Weather: Grey cloudbank, where did the sun go?

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Better day.

Picture: DeviantArt
Tomorrow will be a much better day. I know it because I can feel it. Sweet dreams!

Weird Wednesday.

It's been such a long and weird Wednesday I'm glad it's almost over. For once I managed to go to bed early last night, I figured I would have a long good night's sleep, I can't believe how wrong I was about that since I ended up being able to sleep max four hours.

At 1.30 AM I woke up, shivering and I felt so cold. Luckily I had my blanket nearby but it didn't seem like enough but somehow I managed to fall asleep again. The next time my body woke me up was around 3.30 AM but this time I was feeling so warm.

I was sweating and I could feel how my forehead and back was all wet. And the high fever I probably had on top of everything made me feel even worse. What a night, huh? At this point I had to leave my bed, struggling to find for some painkillers.

After I took them I managed to fall asleep much deeper this third (!) time and slept all morning. I still feel exhausted and my entire body is in so much pain, I don't know why all my muscles are hurting so much? Perhaps could it be a new cold that is on it's way? Or worse, another flue?

I don't know but I'm so tired of getting sick all the time. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, hopefully he'll be able to give me some answers.

Sorry about this negative post but I just had to try to get this bad feeling out of my system. I don't know if it worked but it was worth a try anyway. I hope you had a much better day than I had.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Another Way To Die - Alicia Keys feat. Jack White.

Tonight's most played song. One of Alicia Keys best videos I would say.

Angel of mine.

Angel of mine please walk with me on the invisible ice. Angel of mine I feel so unworthy of you, truly you have been far too nice.

Angel of mine will you be there to hold me when I cry? Angel of mine would you please teach me how to fly?

Angel of mine promise me you will stay throughout the night. Angel of mine only in your presence I can feel the warmth from a candlelight.

Angel of mine I would never leave your side. Angel of mine let's go for a ride.

Angel of mine if words only could describe how much I adore that precious smile of yours. Angel of mine you could easily sweep me off my feet on all floors.

Angel of mine I don't know what else to say. Angel of mine promise me that our friendship will grow old and only in this way?

New Moon.

Pictures: Livejournal

Soon. Very soon we will be able to see the second film in the "Twilight saga", I'm so exited to see "New Moon". Soon. It will happen very soon.

Monday 2 March 2009

I've got Spotify.

Amazing, that is all I can say at the moment. I'm overwhelmed with all the great songs I have been able to find after downloading this music programme called "Spotify".

You can't download the songs to your computer but you can create your own playlists in this programme and listen to all different kinds of songs while you're connected to the Internet.

I've been using Apple's music programme iTunes all because I have an iPod and now also an iPhone but to be honest I'm not impressed by their programme. I really do think that it's a great idea to buy music online, if only they could lower their prices (!) because now it's way too high.

If they wish that more people shall buy their music online in order to support their favourite musicians they really should consider the fact to lower certain prices. For example, I bought Kelly Clarkson's new song "My Life Would Suck Without You" on iTunes and it cost me 9 sek which is quite a lot for only one song.

Obviously they need to "win" something out of it but this is honestly ridiculous. This debate of downloading music, movies etc have been a going on debate for many years now. Will it ever end? All I can say now is that I'm glad I found Spotify! :)

Sunday 1 March 2009

These boots are made for walking.

Picture: Linn's blog at pause

I completely forgot to show you these gorgeous high black leather boots that I bought last week. I've been looking at them the entire fall but I thought 1499 sek was a bit too expensive so I never bought them at that time.

The other day I visited the Swedish shoe store Rizzo (where I had found the boots) and saw that pretty little red tag saying, "50 %"! :) So I got them for half the original price which I'd like to think is a really good bargain price.

Luckily they had one pair of 38 left so I guess that it was meant to be that I was going to have them! :P

They remind me a bit of Julia Robert's boots in "Pretty Woman" with the exception that her boots had high heels while mine are completely flat (much more comfortable..). I've already started to use them and I'll continue until they fall apart..!

Sunny Sunday.

Mood: Nothing but smiles :)
Done: Breakfast (check) and lunch soon..
Plans: Read a little and spend most of my afternoon outdoors!
Looking at: My laptop's screen
Listening to: Kelly Clarkson - My life would suck without You
Reading: DN
Drinking: Water
Eating: Nothing at the moment
Best: The b e a u t i f u l weather!
Worst: It's supposed to get colder again next week?
Weather: Nothing but sunshine! :)

Only in my Dreams.

Picture: Private, taken by my brother when he one day caught me when I was sleeping (!)

"Lay down my angel for you need to rest". I whispered in his ear as he let his head fall weightless against my chest.

Every time I have you near I can feel how my heart suddenly starts to sing and how sweet is the music that always caresses the ear. Close your eyes and you will also be able to hear.

For some reason I feel safe when you are around and so for a short moment all the trouble disappear. Perhaps it is the bright light I can see every time that I look into your big blue eyes that has helped me get rid off my greatest fear?

A light filled with friendship, joy and hope. A sign of peace just like a free white dove.