Tuesday 30 January 2007

Terrible Tuesday.

I have now realized that I am almost out of time.. In less then a week I will be doing my so called "Mock exams" which means that we have our exams under "practise conditions". The results we will get from these exams is just to let us and the teachers know how well we are doing in every subject (6 subjects) and to be able to see what we need to focus on before the "real" exams in May.

Anyway as you can imagine I am quite stressed right now. Since in the end, on the real exams in May, 70 % of my final grade will be based upon the results from these exams. While the left-overs (30 %) will be graded by my teachers in school. Sorry I forgot to tell you that the tests I will do in May will be corrected by examinors in some country somewhere around the globe..

Yepp it is a fair system since you can't go and, excuse me for my language, suck up for the teachers in order to get good grades.. It is not like in the Swedish system. Anyway I am so tired right now so I will go to bed and get some rest and wake up earlier tomorrow to finish up with the booring labreports I have to finish to be able to hand them in tomorrow. Have a good nights sleep everybody! ♥ /Sofia

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