Sunday 16 August 2009

Sunny Sunday.

Picture: Taken by my uncle when my mother and I went to Barcelona this spring. I really miss my family and the cool city! (Click on the picture for a larger and improved view!)
After spending almost five hours last night babysitting 7 kids (!) at a 40 year old birthday party I managed to sleep far too many hours this morning. Exhausted as I was when I came home I'm not surprised that I managed to sleep for so long.

Anyway today is the last day of vacation since I've got new classes that will begin tomorrow morning. It's amazing how fast the summers keep on passing us by. I remember how I used to think that the summer vacation always felt so long but as I 've gotten older I've realized that my dad was right when he told me that for every year we grow time seems to catch up on us.

Got to run, time for lunch, I'll write more later :)

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