Sunday 25 March 2007

Sunny Sunday.

Amazing! I just glimpsed outside my window and I saw the beautiful sun shining right at me! Spring is finally here! Yay!

Anyway we'll see if I have a little time during the afternoon to go out for a lovely "spring-walk" it would be nice to get some nice colour now since (I guess we're all pretty pale after this long and dark winter..) I've been pale during all winter.. Not funny at all.

Well the end of this weak is finally here. I can't believe it. Only 6 more weeks to go..! OMG, I'm feeling an atmosphere of panic in my room right this second. Sorry I have to put myself together and do my very best. After all, this is my only ticket to get away.. Through my IB diploma.

Sadly enough this week has been a "... wierd week due to many happy and sad moments ..." meaning that I had to experience a terrible accident for about four days ago.. As always I am the kind of person who is always in the last minute, running for the train, late for the class (not always but yes sometimes I've been 5 minutes late..) etc. Well this week the consequence of living a life-style, depending on a terrible phenomenon such as stress it hit me. Very bad.

I was on my way to school and my mother was going to drive me (see I was that late..! Embarrasing) Anyway she was already on her way down to the car (We live in a house which is situated on a mountain, therefore we have many stairs to walk up and down every day, to be more precise I believe we have 82 steps or something..) and I was going to lock the door and leave. When I am going down the stairs I had so many thoughts in my head for the day's lessons, did I have everything with me? Books, pens etc. So suddenly I fell. I fell down for atleast 5-6 steps on the outdoor staircase. When I fell I hit my head towards the rocky ground and my entire right side of my body stricked towards the mountain-like pavement. For one second I thought. This is it. I will not wake up. The funny thing is that I didn't have any pain at first. Not until my mother screaming of chock tried to wake me up and pull me up I felt the pain running through my entire body. I was scared.

When we managed to get inside the house again I cried because of the pain and the chocking experience I just had gone through. Luckily I didn't break anything. But I still have the pain in my arms and I was left with a 10 cm wide ugly bruise under my right knee. The stress phenomenon had hit me and I finally realized how bad this could have ended. From that day on I promised myself to force myself to take it easy. In order to avoid terrifying situations like this one. So I am telling you all. Be careful. Situations like these only happen when we don't expect them. But when they do, it can end really bad. Take care of yourself and the people around you who seem to live a life filled of stress. I am telling you from my own experience and it definitely made me think. Twice. ♥ /Sofia

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