Friday 27 April 2007

"Vintern rasat ut bland våra fjällar..."

Here we are, all classes of 2007. I must say I had a beautiful day with (as you can see on the picture) lots of sun and it was so warm! Perfect day to have the "mösspåtagning". It feels wierd though. Today was my last day in high school. Now there is only one thing left: exams! I can't believe it, they are all starting next week! I feel bad for the physics students who start with their exams on Wednesday! Anyway I wish them the best of luck!

I find it hard to describe the feeling I'm having right now because I am happy but at the same time I am quite sad that everything has now ended. It will probably take some time to get used to the feeling of "not going to school.." The next step we're about to take will lead us into the "real" grown-up world, meaning Uni etc. More responsibility, bills to pay, hopefully prepare ourselves to leave the "nest" meaning our homes.

A lot of things will happen during the upcoming years. I am looking forward to it! But I can keep on dreaming about this later - when the exams have ended! So time to go to bed, I have an early morning tomorrow - yet another busy schedule in order to use every hour, every minute and every second to prepare myself for the exams. Sweet dreams dear readers! ♥ /Sofia

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