Sunday 15 June 2008

Last night.

L, Me and E. - The trio - Love you girls, you mean the world to me!

Me and E.

Me, R & C.

Sorry for the bad posting here in the blog.
Like I've written before I've been busy working and working day in and day out. Yesterday was no exception still I was very happy during the day because for weeks I had been looking forward to L and V's birthday-dinner at L's place that took place last night.

Above are a few pictures from the evening of me and my friends posing in front of the camera ;) What can I say, it was a great dinner and a hilarious party! We had so much fun!

Hope you also had a great weekend! /S


Anonymous said...

Åh, du är så otroligt söt och vad brun du har blivit! :D <3 Det var fantastiskt roligt att få ett sms av dig idag :) Saknar min älskade vän mycket!

About me said...

Emma: Tack så jätte mycket sötnos! :D Hihi ja jag tänkte att jag skulle överraska dig.. <3 ;) Hoppas du har det underbart nere i Grekland! Vi får höras när du kommer hem! Love you! <3