Tuesday 2 December 2008

Can we do this one more time?

I try and I try to walk fast enough so I can stop looking back behind my shoulder. For every time I see your face I stop and so time reminds me of the fact that I'm getting older and older.

Truly I believe that we experienced a lot during the period of time that we shared together. Just like many times before I gave and I gave so much of myself without receiving anything back and many months later I realized that I deserve better.

You failed me and left me abandoned when you said that we'd be better off being just friends. You stopped calling me and whenever I did try to make an effort you just ignorred it, truly I hate this kind of sad ends.

I try and I try to walk fast enough so I can stop looking back behind my shoulder. Now you're standing there again, giving me that same empty look and so I turn the page and put our file of great memories in that big folder.

Certain memories are being played inside my heart once again after that I received your last call. Please take good care of me this time and don't let me fall. Now all I need to know is, can we do this one more time?

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