Thursday 11 December 2008

The start of something new.

I thought you would never call. People tend to promise things they later never keep but you kept yours since you did call me after all.

Last night's hours went so fast. Well, they usually do when one's having a blast.

I did find it hard to leave your warm embrace. On my way home I still kept thinking of your beautiful face.

I am glad that you gave me a call. In the end it means a lot more than to just receive a text, the simple gesture could make any woman fall.

Tomorrow is a new day and so we're having our first date on what's going to be a fun Friday. Considering how much fun we had last night I'm hoping that tomorrow's evening is going to end the same way.

1 comment:

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

aah! First dates are so daunting, but you'll do brilliantly! Don't be nervous, be yourself and he'll fall in love with everything you are!

Good luck!!