Wednesday 4 March 2009

Weird Wednesday.

It's been such a long and weird Wednesday I'm glad it's almost over. For once I managed to go to bed early last night, I figured I would have a long good night's sleep, I can't believe how wrong I was about that since I ended up being able to sleep max four hours.

At 1.30 AM I woke up, shivering and I felt so cold. Luckily I had my blanket nearby but it didn't seem like enough but somehow I managed to fall asleep again. The next time my body woke me up was around 3.30 AM but this time I was feeling so warm.

I was sweating and I could feel how my forehead and back was all wet. And the high fever I probably had on top of everything made me feel even worse. What a night, huh? At this point I had to leave my bed, struggling to find for some painkillers.

After I took them I managed to fall asleep much deeper this third (!) time and slept all morning. I still feel exhausted and my entire body is in so much pain, I don't know why all my muscles are hurting so much? Perhaps could it be a new cold that is on it's way? Or worse, another flue?

I don't know but I'm so tired of getting sick all the time. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, hopefully he'll be able to give me some answers.

Sorry about this negative post but I just had to try to get this bad feeling out of my system. I don't know if it worked but it was worth a try anyway. I hope you had a much better day than I had.

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