Monday 19 May 2008

Talking about a happy ending.

Picture: Private - My new jacket (similar to the ones made by Chanel) from the Kate Moss for Topshop collection

Here's another new pearl in my closet! :) A Chanel "look-a-like" jacket from Topshop. I think it almost looks like the jackets that is seen on the Gossip Girls in the American TV-show "Gossip Girl".

Anyway I found this jacket for more than 4 months ago at Topshop at a price of 1299 sek, which is a lot of money for such a "thin" jacket so I decided not to buy.

A few months later I went in again to see if they still had the jacket, this time there were many items on sale! So I found it and the new price was 400 sek which is obviously a lot cheaper!

Still, I didn't have enough money with me :( So I had to leave without being able to buy it. I was so sad because I thought I would loose it and that some other lucky girl would get it instead of me.

Now, a month later I went in to the biggest Topshop here in Stockholm at Drottningatan and I see big posters were it says "Bazaar at Topshop - only today!" so I thought that I might just see if there's anything left because it was so crowded! On my way upstairs I thought of the jacket but with no hope to find it I start digging in a huge pile of old jeans and other sweaters. Guess what I found?!

This one last jacket in my size!! This is not the only good news wait until you read how much I finally payed for it.... I payed 40 sek!!! From 1299 sek to 40 sek..! I still can't believe it.

Can you imagine how HAPPY I felt that day walking home with my beloved jacket which I found at such a low price. Well let's just say that really made my day! :) I wore it for the first time last Friday and I can't tell you how great it feels knowing that I was so lucky to get a hold of it at last.

Talking about a happy ending...!


Anonymous said...

Jackan var jättefin :D Är jätteglad för din skull att du fann den och att du fick den till ett så bra pris! Det var verkligen menat att du skulle ha den jacka <3

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

You must be joking!!! 40 kr för den där skitsnygga jackan!!!! I love when that happens (to me as well as to other people) so I'm like, crazy-happy now! There are some people copming over soon to build us a balcony, so I have to go out. I think I just might stop by TopShop ;P
Have a great day!

About me said...

Emma: Tusen tack raring! :) Jaa jag måste erkänna att det känns som att det var meningen att det skulle bli vi två.. Jackan & jag alltså ;) <3

About me said...

Drop a tear in my wineglass: Hihi tänk för att jag inte gör det! :P Den kostade exakt 40 kr...! Helt makalöst. Haha me too! This is actually my first time! I've never found anything that I've wanted soo badly at such a low price :) Anyway I'll let you know the next time they'll be having a bazaar! Oh and good luck with the balcony :) I'm sure it will turn out lovely!