Tuesday 11 November 2008

Carrie and Mr. Big.

Picture: HBO
I'm quite positive that almost every woman have a Mr. Big in their own life. It could be different men under certain periods of one's life, my point is there will always be a Mr. Big in the picture, whether we like it or not.

Darren Star created such amazing characters in Sex And The City. My personal opinion when it comes down to her greatest achievement in the show is how she created Carrie, her relationship to Big and the way that she made it so easy for millions of women all over the world to relate to their everyday problems that we all bump into in relationships.

Many of us females also hope to meet our own prince charming one day, a man like Aidan who wanted to give Carrie the world just to show her how much he loved her. I'm sure that many women were very upset with Carrie's behavior when she acted like she never really deserved the man. Perhaps she wasn't thinking straight?

How could she refuse a life with such a loving man and instead choose a man like Big? A man she could never trust the same way she had trusted Aidan.

In the end I understand her motives and the many reasons for why she acted the way she did. In some way I understand why she keeps going back to Big, even though she is aware of the fact that she will never be a hundred % certain whether if he will walk out of the door and leave her tomorrow morning.

I understand why she gives her heart to a man that might not be able to hold on to it. Most important above all I understand why she chooses a complicated love before an ordinary love.

I think and act the same way Carrie did. I would prefer the impossible before the possible. Even though it might bring me down I will always know that I tried my very best to fulfill my dream, and to reach for something special that will always mean a great deal to me.


Anonymous said...

I love this post..

About me said...

Anonymous: Thank you so much for your comment :) I'm glad you liked my post!