Wednesday 5 November 2008

A Historic Victory.

Picture: Barack Obama

America has spoken and so the winning candidate of 2008's Presidential election in the United States is Barack Obama. I have watched so many clips all morning of people crying when he held his winning speech in Chicago last night.

America has turned the page and is now looking forward to a new start and as Obama's winning sloagan reads "Change Can Happen". We'll see what happens next, how Barack Obama will lead his country and fellow citizens towards a more positive future than they have had recently.

One can only hope that America did choose the right man for this job. I still believe that Obama might be a new and fresh breeze for the politics of America and for the changes that the country needs.


Anonymous said...

i think he will be a good president, even if it will make america more like sweden :P

About me said...

Anonymous: I'm sure he will! Haha is that a bad thing? :P

Anonymous said...
