Thursday 20 November 2008

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day.

Picture: Found by googling "dancing" on google

Sorry for the bad update this week, as you can imagine I've been pretty busy at work with Christmas coming closer and closer.

I'm glad that it's Friday tomorrow! My plans are to work during the day and attend this special dance event later on during the evening at a place called Gubbängen with my friend A. She said that we have to wear "colourful" clothes, apparently they have some sort of theme and I honestly don't know what to wear but I'm sure I'll come up with a good suggestion tomorrow.

Last night (Wednesday) E, another good friend of mine turned 23! So we ended up being 14 females who went out dancing at one of Stockholm's best clubs to celebrate her. We had loads of fun and I'm sure she'll remember this evening for a very long time :)

Well it's getting late and I'm going to need new energy tomorrow since it's going to be a long day! Take care and I promise that I'll try to write more during the weekend.

P.S. Don't you just love the beautiful picture as seen above? Well I know I do! Hopefully that will be me tomorrow, dancing with some hansom fellow ;) More details about that later! D.S.

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