Sunday 12 October 2008

Golden Compass.

A lonely heart is lost in this world thinking where is the love? With nothing else but a golden compass to guide her she tries to find her own path by searching for a free white dove.

The arrow points at north and so she follows the cool breezes. Deceived yet again by the whispering winter who leaves her with a troublesome cold and so she sneezes.

In the morning light she sees how the arrow points towards the south. Spiritual spring takes her onto its wide wings and brings back that precious laughter coming from an angel's mouth.

Mislead once again by the foolish flowers and yet not a sign of the precious dove. Still thinking where is her love?

By the end of the enchanted evening she sees how the arrow points at east. The sweet summer fairy celebrates her arrival with a great feast.

Still nothing seems to feel right. A lonely heart who stays awake night after night.

Scared yet hopeful she keeps praying for this special day when everything will work. She's tired of stumbling around feeling like such a dum dork.

While the lonely heart takes a beat she thinks that even though she is frightened she is still determined to give it one last try. No more stupidity, no more of this nonsense of being shy.

The arrow points towards the west. With a light of hope in her hand she flies above an endless ocean, hoping that this last journey might give the heart some rest.

Along with the golden compass that lies in her little hand she has come to find her love. She will go on forever until she will find her free white dove.

P.S. This was my 888th post! :) D.S.


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

Congratulations on your 888th post! It was the perfect poem post for a perfect prominent post post. Allitteration någon?! Haha.

Congratulations again!!


About me said...

Diana: Thank you so much for your comment!

Hahaha what can I say, IB really gets to you, don't you agree? ;)

Thanks love!

xoxo (Haha every time I write these symbols I keep hearing the woman behind "Gossip Girl" say "you know you love me, xoxo.." Silly isn't it?)