Sunday 26 October 2008

The presence of an angel.

The presence of an angel can be described like the warm feeling of sunbeams lightening up your face at dawn. The presence of an angel can be described like a safe embrace and that is when you realize that the fear you had is gone.

For angels are the miracles of our time. Let them remind you how faith in God can lead to forgiveness throughout a small everyday crime.

A guarding angel shall never leave your side. I know so for I have felt his presence all those endless nights that I have stayed up and cried.

Let them lighten up your candle of hope that is hidden deep within your soul. If every man and woman on earth would believe in angels I shall think that we would get rid of heavy burdens that creates a empty black hole.

The presence of an angel can be described like the raspberry-red colored clouds seen on a warm sunset in may. The presence of an angel can be described like a miracle sent from above, for miracles still take place, no matter what angels shall always be there for you by having the right words of what to say.

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