Tuesday 14 October 2008

Why do people move to NY? To fall in love.

Picture: DeviantArt - One day I shall walk up those magic stairs..

- I had a great time tonight she said with an anxious voice as she was standing in front of him, starring into those deep blue eyes and feeling how her knees got weaker and weaker..

He placed her small hands in his and smiled the greatest smile she'd seen during the entire night. Then suddenly he bent forward, kissed her on the forehead and said with a gentle voice,

- Thank you for making my evening so special. Now this is where I will leave you tonight, outside your front door for now I can go home and sleep knowing that you did come home safely.

She blushed and ran away with her eyes from his to get caught starring at their hands instead. All her heart wanted this particular moment was to hold him. And to never let go..

- Good night she said as she reached up to his face, standing on her little toes to give him a gentle kiss on his cheek.

He gave her the same phrase back and began his walk home, feeling good and safe inside now that he knew that she had come home safely.

From distance she saw how he walked away and slowly vanished in the shadow's of the night. She smiled to herself. Never had she felt so happy while walking up these stairs.

She knew she would never regret her big decision to come and move to NY. It's just like they say when people ask you why you decided to move to NY? To fall in love.
It's as easy as that.

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