Tuesday 6 February 2007

Beloved Shoes.

I've been really lazy when it comes to publishing the new purchases I've done recently.

Anyway this is a picture I've borrowed from
Engla of her gorgeous black Gardenia shoes in leather.

I've been longing for these shoes for too long and every time I went into town I almost bought them several times but the price: 899:- sek :/ That was too expensive and several of my friends told me to wait, so I did.

I thought that if there were any shoes left they'd proabably put them on sale and the price would decrease.

And guess what?! It did! I bought them with 30 % discount and it was worth waiting for them.

I will take a picture of them tonight and hopefully you'll be able to see them on my blog quite soon.. Take care! ♥ /Sofia

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