Sunday 18 February 2007

My past was yesterday. My future is tomorrow.

I find it hard to believe that I have found my inner strength again. For so long I have been searching for the truth and nothing but the real truth. I have been blessed with so many things in my life. My family for example, which I truly love with every part of my heart. My beloved friends, which I know I can count on no matter what, they will always be there for me.

It has been a long week but I don't think I've never experienced so many "emotional/powerful" moments like I've done during this week.

All this time, he's been with me. Protecting me and most important of all loved me. I am thankful for the guidance I've received from the missionaries and from the T family which have done more than I could ever expected from them.

I have found my inner strength again. I have found the belief within myself and to express the love and the gratitude I feel for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I have finally found the answers I've been searching for. Therefor I am happy to say that my past was yesterday and my future is tomorrow and that it lies in the hands of our beloved father in heaven. ♥ /Sofia

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