Saturday 24 February 2007

Where will I be 15 years from now?

I admire those who already know what they want to do after graduating high school (in Sweden: gymnasium) There are people who have planned to become doctors, lawyers and teachers etc. Meanwhile I'm still standing here, thinking, am I really taking the right path towards my future?

In today's modern societies one can do almost everything! There are so many different universities with a number of courses and educations all around the world. I wish I knew where I would be 15 years from now.. A fashion designer? A journalist? A lawyer? An Art Director? Well ever since I was a little girl I've had the dream of becoming a children's doctor. It used to be my main goal, although I must admit that my goals today seem to have changed.. just a little..

Anyway, there are many questions and it is hard to get the answers. Where should I start looking? It's been a long day and I think I need to get some sleep. I'll have to figure something out, pronto! We'll see how it goes, wish my luck :) Take care! ♥ /Sofia


Anonymous said...

Mm, I know what you mean. Me myself I really don't know what. I mean, I know what I am interested in, but further than that, I have no idea.

Dexter said...
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Dexter said...

Hmm, well I do not know everything about where I want to see myself in the future, but there are certain things of which I am sure I desire to have in my future. I know what my long term goal/goals are. I want to have the gospel(evangeliet/kyrkan) in my life, I want to raise a family in the church so that I one day can go and see a daughter or a son in the temple with me and my future wife. I know that I want to have a job which I enjoy, fills out my potential, allows me to help others and provide for my family. My goal at the end of the day is to be a good man, son, father, friend and husband. These are visions of our long term life that we must have in mind when we make these desions for the future and if I were you I would start with them as a base.

Anonymous said...

muy pero muy bueno