Thursday 15 February 2007

Lovely day.

It feels really wierd because I woke up this morning with the worst headache ever and I felt that I would not be able to step out from the warm and cosy bed I was sleeping in and go to that doctor's appoitment I was supposed to go to during the day. But somehow I did succeed.

Anyway, I sat at the hospital waiting for almost 35 min before the doctor let me in to her office. It was not until 1 1/2 hours later I finally could leave and go to town. I saw all the beautiful clothes that has now come up in the stores! Lovely I must say. All the fresh colours which indicates that our terrible weather soon will turn into sunshine when spring finally will arrive. I can not wait.

As I walked in and out from different stores (just window-shoping) I finally went in to H&M store and I could not believe my eyes. I had found my
dream dress that I had been looking forward to but which is now impossible to find because the stores has sold every single one of them. I just thought that this must be my lucky day! So I bought it and when I came home my mother surprised me with another beautiful gift which I also had been longing for so long! Namely the KJL red strawberry necklace! (Not white as in the link) Talking about a really good day.. To be honest I got more to tell! But I am really tired now and I have to get up early tomorrow, last test! Yay! Anyway so I will wright more tomorrow and also publish some pictures of my beloved new darlings! May you all have a good night and sleep tight! :) Take care! ♥ /Sofia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NEJ! SKÄMTAR DU! GRATTIS BABY ; ) (jag är bara lite, lite avundsjuk - LITE!)