Monday 12 February 2007

It's "me" time.

To be honest, I have been so bad when it comes to taking care of myself. I have forced my head and my body to stay up late and there has been a few times when the nights have become sleepless nights.. This is not good for my health nor my face and body.

Anyway, unfortunately I did not have a good start of the week. I did really bad at the exams and I will probably be forced to take care of it later, but not now. Because I decided not ruin my entire week just because of one bad day.

No I believe it is time for a little "me" time. Which basically means that I should take care of myself a little bit extra tonight. I have already planned to take a long, hot shower, do a little face and body scrub etc and hopefully I will come to school with a "new me" :) So I guess I'm off now, I have been longing for that shower the entire evening! I'll try to write some lines later. So long, Take care! ♥ /Sofia

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