Wednesday 2 May 2007

Today's list.

I have to begin this post by saying, have you looked outside the window? It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining through my window and I can't see a single cloud on the blue sky! Lovely!

Anyway I've made a list of a few things I have to do today so here it is.

* Go out for a power-walk (30-40 min)

* Continue studying; English, Maths & History

* Ask my mother to buy me a set of pens (for the exams!)

* Ask her to buy a battery for my calculator (for the exams!)

* Clean/Organize my room (It's not that bad but I just need to pick up some things to make it more tidy..)

* Continue studying ...

That's all I've got planned for today. Better get dressed and go out in the fresh air! Have a great day dear readers! ♥ /Sofia

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