Monday 4 June 2007

Future plans.

There are many positive advantages which can be listed now that I have finished the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. I have graduated and I am free to do what ever I want! Well almost.. Depending on how many points (which is calculated to form some sort of grade) I will get it will decide where I can apply, which Universities, courses etc. Previously I thought of going to America this fall and start studying immediately. Change of plans. I am way to tired to start studying directly therefor I have decided to finish the driving licence, preferably before christmas. That's my goal!

Although when thinking of which career to choose it's almost impossible due to the number of different careers. In today's modern societies you can become almost anything you want. Florist, dietist, master of engineering, doctor the list goes on.. My dreams which I had has a child have changed. From the beginning I always wanted to become veterinary surgeon. I have always loved animals but of course with age the dream changed. During these last years I have thought of other different careers such as; lawyer, economist, children's doctor (due to my passion for always helping others, especially children), artist (due to my passion for singing) etc.

But it is difficult to make the "right" choice of career if you are not certain of what you want to do the remaining 40 years of your life. I've been thinking about it over and over again and I must say it is not easy. Hopefully I will be able to figure something out during the fall and make a decision before christmas (because I have to apply as soon as possible, probably before christmas?) For all of you who read my blog you'll probably hear more about this issue later on during the fall when I will be investigating different alternatives where I might start studying for the spring term of 2008. Time for lunch! Bon appétit!


OliverVuko said...

Yea it's kinda sad when your done with school. Because you need to start working and studying and the decision you make will effect your entire life. But I think you made a very wise choice of taking the drivers license first. And then start thinking about starting in a university.

Anyway I wish the best of luck to you, and I hope you make the best choice.

// Oliver~

About me said...

Oliver: Thank you for those kind words.

OliverVuko said...

Your welcome~