Tuesday 26 June 2007

It must be a new record?

I almost finished my suitcase! All the clothes, shoes, skirts etc are inside of it and I was quite nervous when I placed it on the scale but to my big surprise it showed 11.6 kg!! I thought this must be a new record? Since I always tend to bring everything with me - and I mean it, every little bottle etc because I always try to keep up with the same feeling I have when I'm home with all the different lotions etc.

I always hear complaints from my parents and brothers but I guess that this is just who I am, besides one can't compare a female's suitcase with a man's? (I'm referring to the situations I always have with my two brothers about always packing too much of everything..)

Anyway I'm really excited for tomorrow! I love being at airports and flying, the feeling, the atmosphere! I simply can't describe the feeling one has to experience it that's for sure! I have to finish the last details before going to bed early tonight (haha I'll try to, we'll see how it goes..) so I wish you all a good night's sleep!

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