Saturday 23 August 2008

New Craving.

Picture: Tradera

Here in Sweden we have a similar website like Ebay but we call it "Tradera". You can sell and buy old things through the internet and recently there have been people adding new items which they are anxious to sell at a good price as well!

For instance this Marc Jacobs bracelet made of black leather with the Latin text saying "
Datum Amore, Ad Defendendum" which if you translate it to English it means "Given in Love, For Protection". So I must admit that this item has become my latest craving!

Well enough said about that I really need to sleep now, got a long day in front of me tomorrow. First work, home get changed, meet the girls and have dinner in town (we're celebrating E's 20th birthday!) and later some party that they wanted to drag me to we'll see if I'll go since I've got my scholarshipceremony on Sunday at 11 AM.

Anyway, sweet dreams!

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