Thursday 28 August 2008

A date I will always remember.

I still find it hard to believe that it took me almost all day to understand why I woke up feeling this way.

For today is not just any ordinary day, I checked my calender to find the note "One year and Three months" I still can't believe that it's been that long since you went away.

It feels like it was just yesterday that I saw your smiling face. I remember how much I wanted to say "please stay, don't go" as I would fall into your safe embrace.

A lot has happened during this time that you have been away. Feelings and thoughts that I have expressed here makes my heart shiver by the thought of us standing face to face, I wonder if I'll be able to express myself, will I have anything clever to say?

We'll see how it goes. Perhaps we'll have a great flow?

Anyway all I wanted was to point out the fact that it's been more than a year. Somehow you managed to help me get over that special fear.

No one can tell what will happen further on in the future. However, if something bad would happen I'm still glad to have many good memories of you, for I keep them all in my head just like an everlasting picture.

Like I said all I wanted to say is that today has been a special day filled of both happy and sad memories, today's magical numbers is a date I will always remember. A day when I let my heart surrender.

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