Thursday 8 January 2009

Give me my strength back.

It's been an awful day. Yesterday too by the way. My cold seems to have turned into a dreadful flu :(

I don't know what it is but I've been feeling really "weak" all day and so my head started to ache during the afternoon. Could someone please give me my strength back?

Anyway I'm heading towards S in less than one hour, I know it's probably not such a good idea but he's been sick too so we'll probably end up in front of a movie or something and just take it easy (it's not like I've got the energy to do anything anyway).

Sorry for this negative post but I just had to "complain" just a little. I should probably get ready I've been looking like a ghost the entire day (!) so right now my concealer, rouge and mascara are my best friends.

What would I have done without them on a day like this? :) Anyway may you all have a great evening!


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

oh no, the flu seems to be going around a lot! I hope you get better!

Rouge is my life saver. I find it just makes you feel and look a little more cute and rosy-cheeked :) It brings life to a face :P

Hope you had a great day and that you feel better soon!

About me said...

Drop a tear in my wineglass: I know, one of my best friends had it only a few weeks ago and now it seems that both my dad and I got it :( But thank you darling!

Haha I couldn't agree more about the rouge-thing that you wrote ;)

Thank you again and yes I'm hoping that I will feel better tomorrow or Monday the latest!