Monday 19 January 2009

Mortifying Monday.

Picture: DeviantArt - Notice how Heath Ledger kisses her forehead and how he holds his hand around her head. Love and a beautiful moment has been captured.

I don't know who I'm trying to fool? I'm sick and tired of all these games where men act the wrong way and pretend to be cool.

For months, I'm talking about almost two years, I've spent trying to find out what it is that I truly want. Let's face it, I failed my task and I believe it to be my own fault.

I've spent far too many endless nights thinking about some of the deepest impressions people have left when they've passed my shoulder. I don't know why, but I keep dreaming about certain scenarios where in one of them I hear you say to one of your friends, "If only I'd been able to hold her".

Perhaps it's got something to do with one my heart's deepest wishes? If I would have been a fish in an another life I know that in your presence I would have been the happiest of all fishes.

Time to stop daydreaming and get back to reality. If I had you somewhere near I know I could smile for an eternity.

This still doesn't make anything easier for me. I still don't know what's wrong with me.. Talking about a Mortifying Monday.


Anonymous said...

i think u worry too much about finding the RIGHT one, your only 20! i mean if u were 21 or something that might be a different story! ;P

About me said...

Anonymous: Yepp, you're right as always.. Haha come on stop teasing me for that! Now I only got 6 more days until I'll be 21 so I'll be there soon! :P

Anonymous said...

ur that old?
dang maybe it is time to start worrying! :p

About me said...

haha "thanks..." a lot :p