Saturday 10 January 2009

I hate this part right here.

Picture: Nope this ain't me but some girl from DeviantArt

After spending a little less than 48 hours in my bed with something that seemed like a never ending headache and stomachache I finally feel a "little" bit better now. Therefore this is the main reason for my absence in the blog and also for why I haven't had the energy to answer to comments, sorry D!
Anyway the fact that I went to S place this last Thursday was perhaps not such a good idea after all. Not when I felt dizzy already on the train and got a tremendous fever when we were watching "The Day after Tomorrow". Despite S best efforts to keep me warm by having me put on one of his sweaters, lie in his arms and underneath his down comforter I simply could not stop freezing.

The worst part was when I had to go home, all alone in the middle of the night and feeling like a pale wreck with a sweaty forehead. Somehow I managed to get home and so I slept almost the entire Friday and so almost the entire Saturday (today that is). The most important thing is that I only blame myself for visiting him despite the signs of my poor health. But hey, I just wanted to see him. That's all.

I normally don't get "this sick", it's been years since I had the flu or I like I wrote in the previous posts I don't even know if I have the flu but I sure do have some kind of evil virus inside my body and it's killing me! (not in literary terms though.. I hope you all know that it's just an expression, just to show you what kind of pain I'm going through right now).. :( Sorry for yet another pitiful post but you'll have to forgive me for this post as well. I'm just not feeling well.

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