Friday 4 April 2008

A big surprise and happy tears.

Picture: My necklace - Private

I've written about it before. The sweet love letter made by the Swedish designer Cornelia.

For such a long time I've been looking for it since they ended the production of it over a year ago. Well let's just say that my searching for it is finally over! Thanks to my dad!

For a few weeks ago he came home one night and said that he had a surprise for me and handed over a big blue plastic bag. I didn't recognize the name of the brand that said on the bag and therefor had no clue that the necklace was inside it.

When I finally managed to open another smaller bag that was hiding inside the bigger one I saw that it was some sort of necklace and guess if I screamed of joy when I saw the little envelop with the cute letter inside it saying "I love you"?! :)

I was so chocked since I more or less had given up about finding it. Let's just say that it was a big surprise that ended in happy tears and it really made my evening.

Dad, I can't thank you enough! I love you, you're the greatest!


Anonymous said...

Åh, det är verkligen fantastiskt fint! :D

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

Åh, vad glad jag blir för din skull :) Jag vet hur länge du har velat ha den och nu har du den äntligen! Vilken underbar present!

Anonymous said...

you got to be kidding me! sweet necklace!
youl find out soon y i wrote that!

About me said...

Emma: Tack! Visst är det? Jag har inte kunnat sluta använda det! :)

Drop a tear in my wineglass: Tack sötnos! Ja jag kan knappt förstå att det är sant, har fortfarande inte smällt det tror jag.. ;) En försenad 20 års present som jag sent lär glömma ^^

Anonymous: Haha why? No I'm not :) Thank you, I love it! Hmm now what's that supposed to mean? *lost in confusion* :P