Wednesday 16 April 2008

Sexy Back.

Picture: Claire Danes

If someone would ask you "what do you think is the most attractive part of your body?" - what would you answer?

If we asked the same question to 10 different people I'm sure we would have received
10 different answers. Luckily enough most of us have our own special appearance and therefor we would all come up with different answers.

I remember talking about this with my friends a few months ago and the three of us had totally different answers! If I take me for example, I always say that
my back is the most attractive part of my body (that's my opinion anyway).

This leads me to the topic of this post - gorgeous dresses that sets off the beautiful female back. Believe it or not, considering I'm such a
huge fan of sexy backs I don't own any dresses that have a low-cut at the back (!) and I hate myself for that.

I've been looking for similar dresses everywhere but let's just say that I have been out of luck. Therefor I've decided to make me my own dress! I found this picture (as seen above) on the beautiful actress Claire Danes with a breathtaking dress. It's g o r g e o u s!

It's a project for the summer since I don't have enough time to start planning and drawing on it now. This I promise you though, you will hear more about this project further on in the future ;)


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

Hmm...Well, I think I have two favourite places: the first is my waist. My back is crooked, so my waist goes in on one side and is quite straight on the other. It's odd, not perfect and a bit weird, but that's what makes it so special :). The other part is my lips (as you very well know if you look at your birthday present). I like them because they're not too thin, and not too full, they're proportionate and just...perfect.

So you see, I love both the good and the odd sides of my body. :)

Anonymous said...

id say my stomach, or chest!

About me said...

Drop a tear in my wineglass: Haha that's really good! One should love both the good and the odd sides of your body!

Anonymous: Haha I guess that the stomach is a popular answer among guys ;) I know my brothers would have answered the same.