Saturday 26 April 2008

Just because you are superficial on the outside does it mean that you must be it on the inside as well?

I believe it was Madonna who sang the following lyrics in one of her songs, "You know that we are living in a material world ... And I am a material girl"

It's been so many years since I listened to that song, "Material Girl", still it seems as if nothing has changed? Here we are, living our lives and the year is 2008, I would lie if I'd say that we are not living in a material world.

This has something to do with the title I have chosen for today's post. "Just because you are superficial on the outside does it mean that you must be it on the inside as well?"

I have a grudge against one specific word and its meaning in the English vocabulary, the word is prejudice. Surely this is a word most of us "bump into" quite often. One could say that people judge you for everything, the way you act/dress/look etc and they would probably place you in a certain "category/group of people" afterwards.

It's easy to forget about it when you meet new people, I do try to think of it, to meet them with an open mind and to see what is to come. Still, like I said, it's hard to think of it every time you meet someone new. Yes I tend to forget about it too from time to time.

Another thing that bothers me is when I meet guys who don't know me and who tend to place me in the category of "dumb blondes". I'm sure there are other girls out there who feels the same but I'm sure that most of them are blondes since brunettes don't have the same "stamp" like we do.

Anyway so there I am standing in front of him (the guy I just met) and I'm sure that all he sees is a blonde girl who seems superficial but when I open my mouth and we start talking it always end as a bit of a surprise for him (I've noticed how they tend to raise their eyebrows..) since he thought I would have nothing clever to say to him.

Unfortunately there are many girls that give that impression and I'm just sorry that the rest of us have to suffer for that and that we have to prove the guys wrong. Just because one cares about your own appearance it doesn't mean that you're completely stupid.

What I'm trying to say is that you can be good looking and have a bright intellect! You must stand up for yourself. No one has the right to insult you and your intelligence by judging you from what you're wearing or whatever eye/hair/skin colour you have.

Think about it the next time you meet someone new.

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