Wednesday 2 April 2008

When the lights go out.

It's almost midnight and I can't seem to be able to fall asleep. I tried to listen to soft music but nothing happened, I even started counting one, two, three sheep.

It's ridiculous, believe me I know. Maybe it's just because I'm still afraid of the darkness and the mysterious shadows that always seem to glow?

It only happens when the lights go out. Sometimes I've been so scared that I simply had to shout!

If only you could hold me during times like these I know I would feel safe. For there is no other place where I'd rather be right now than in your warm embrace. Both day and night but most of all when the lights go out.

To be able to hear your deep voice whispering sweet things inside my ear. This I can promise you, it would remove my deepest fears each and every night throughout the year.

It would erase anything that is bad even the smallest doubt. What I'm trying to say is that I miss you day and night but especially during midnight when the lights go out.

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