Thursday 17 April 2008


Things I am Passionate About
- For those of you who have followed me through my blog probably understand what I mean when I say how much I love to sing! Unfortunately I don't sing as much as I used to anymore but I try to keep up with it since it's probably one of the most important things that I am really passionate about.

- Writing, I don't leave home without a piece of paper and a pen still, most of the things that I write (poems etc) are written on my laptop when I'm at home. I carry it around just in case a thought would strike me just like a lightning strikes down when it's stormy weather.

- Art/Photography, I have an endless passion for photography's that are black and white. In my eyes they will always be timeless. Therefor I don't know how many hours I spend every week "googling" and searching for similar pictures through the brilliant website

- I love to surprise people! (Positive ones of course!) Just to see a person's reaction and how a big smile shows up on their face - a feeling that makes me speechless - it's almost like Christmas morning, when you see the glowing eyes of a child when he/she sees the presents lying there underneath the tree.

- Unfortunately I see the next thing as a "bad" thing. What I'm trying to say is that it's become a bad habit. I check my phone and messages far too often and normally I end up disappointing myself since nothing new seems to have happened during that short period of time.

- I am a planning person! Sounds a bit weird doesn't it? Haha no but seriously, I write plans for almost everything I do. It could be a list of things I need to bring with me when I'm going on vacation or just a list of things I need to do during the week. Besides, I tend to leave several small yellow and purple post-it-notes at the most random places inside my room and not just at the "desk/working" area.

Things I Want To Do Before I Die
- Live in New York and Stockholm. Simultaneously. Prefarably New York during Autumn, Winter and Spring and in Stockholm during Summer.

-Learn how to drive a car and a dream would be if I'd be able to drive my favourite sports car - a black Mustang V6 Premium (2008)

- Fly up with an air balloon

- Volunteer work in the Philippines

- Travel to a numerous exotic islands where no tourists have ever been before

- Become pregnant and give birth to one or perhaps two (could be twins?) healthy children

- Live after the mottos: "Live each day as if it was the last" and "Tell the people you care about how much they mean to you every day, you can never say it too often"

Things I Say Often

English words:
- By the way ... (btw when writing text messages)

- I mean ...

- Naw :)

Swedish words:
- Men men ...

- Kattskrälle (referring to myself since I usually loose so much hair almost like a cat/dog)

- Mmm (According to my youngest brother (!) Haha I guess I use it whenever I'm not interested or "pretend" to listen..)

Things I Should Say More Often:
- I love you

Books I Have Read Lately
- Beloved (Toni Morrison)

- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

- European History 1848-1945 (T A Morris)

- Love Poems (Selected by David Stanford Burr)

- Northanger Abbey (Jane Austen)

- The Goddess Guide (Giséle Scanlon)

Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over (depends very much on what mood I'm in, but here are the songs I've been listening to lately!)
- Sexy Back (Justin Timberlake)

- Crazy Love (Frank Sinatra)

- By Your Side (Sade)

- The Way You Make Me Feel (Michael Jackson)

- Come To Me (P.Diddy feat. Nicole)

- God must have spent a little more time on you (NSync)

- Satisfaction (Benny Benassi)

- Angels (Jessica Simpson)

Freakish Things That Attract Me To My Best Friends
- When it comes down to my two best friends, I'm amazed how well we get along even though sometimes it feels as if we are the complete opposite to one another.

- The way I can always laugh or cry with them (jepp, still referring to my best friends!) and most important of all how they love me for the person I am.

- How I can laugh weirdly with some people (Emma) all it takes is one look and it feels like the same thought is running through our heads, at the exact same time! (Emma, I'm sure you remember the little bustrip to Strömstad and what happened then!) *Yes I can still laugh at it sometimes when the memory of it keeps playing inside my head*

- Appreciation of things like our trip to Greece, endless passion for ice-cream and how we love to go out and dance every Friday night!

- The way we always love to go out and dance whenever we have time to do so! Or perhaps to stay at home and cook ourselves a great dinner and just talk and laugh for hours..!

- The fact that I know that they will always be there, no matter what, love may come and go but true friendship lasts forever.

D inspired my with the list! Check out her answers here! ;)


Anonymous said...

i want to drive a ferrari, but at least i do know someone who has a 06 V6 mustang you could drive! if u learned how to drive FIRST.

About me said...

Anonymous: A red ferarri would be cool too! No way?! What colour is it? :D oh my.. Now I really need to LEARN how to drive and I'll be right over there ;)

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

You answers were lovely, but the one that I found really special was how you would like to volunteer work in the Philippines.

That whole experience was, for all of us, so priceless and completely indescribable. It was probably the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my entire life. If you ever need any help with fulfilling that wish - don't hesitate to tell me and I can guarantee that my family will set you up with whatever you need.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Åh, vad jag minns den dagen väl! När jag läste det så fick jag flashbacks och började att skratta för mig själv :D <3

Just a girl said...

Hey Sofia,

Clicked through to you from Diana.

Great post. I fancy myself as a bit of a writer, too, and definately have to get into the habit of taking pen and paper with me wherever I go. If I'm around campus, I write any ideas in the bakc of my lecture notes; if all else fails, I'll type something up on my phone as a message and save it as a draft.

I love surprising people as well, especially my friends. I also love giving, of buying the "perfect present" that you just know someone will love.

I know what you mean about a "bad" thing; I'm the same with my emails. I'm fairly compulsive about checking them, but always feel let down when there's no new emails...

I'm a notes person as well, if I don't write it down, I'll forget it. I love post its, and I usually carry a palm card of things to do in my handbag.

The lists are really cool, I'm totally stealing! =)

Just a girl

About me said...

Drop a tear in my wineglass: Thank you! Haha I know :) Well it's true!

I was so inspired from all the things that I've heard about your trip that it made me realize that I wanted to do something similar to it too.

I can only imagine how much you all learned from it and how many precious memories you must have from the journey, memories that you will have for the rest of your lives!

Hopefully I'll be able to fulfil my wish before it's too late..! It seems as if there are so many things that needs to be done, things that can get in the way for my "wish".

One thing is for certain, I will definitely contact you when the time is right! It would make me so happy if your family could help me to set me up with any project in order to help the children/people living in their village.

It is at times like these I am really happy to know so good people such as yourself and your family. Special friends that I wish to keep in contact with, today, tomorrow and the day after that! :)

About me said...

Emma: Hihi kul o höra sötnos för det gör jag med! ;) Ja men är inte det bland det härligaste som finns? Att kunna titta tillbaka på fina minnen som får hjärtat att skratta och läpparna att le? :) <3

About me said...

Just a girl: Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the post and found my blog! It's always fun to have new readers!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to read any of your texts on your blog yet but I promise you that I will :)

From reading your comment it seems as if we are very much alike! Or that we have many common interests.

I look forward to read your answers to the list! Have a great Sunday!


Anonymous said...


About me said...

Anonymous: Obviously, the most popular colour on sport cars :)