Thursday 10 April 2008

Thoughts on a Thursday.

I love to write, especially at dawn. For that is my favourite time during the day and normally also the time when my poetry is born.

All I need to do is to take a pen and suddenly my imagination creates rhyme after rhyme. It happens to me all the time.

One may wonder how it always turn out so well? The secret behind it is simply to let an emotion speak for itself.

Poetry is perpetual, universal and yet individual and unique. My inspiration comes from deep within, for it is in my heart I normally seek.

A certain memory that keeps playing inside my mind by either a symphony orchestra or a great band. Or perhaps a special feeling such as the very first time you held my hand.

Poetry is what you make it, what you want it to be. Somehow I tend to express my sentiments about people that mean a lot to me.

Follow your own soul's intuition and hopefully you will be able to make the right decision. If I could not become a writer I would probably become a musician.

For everybody knows that music and poetry are two of the best ways to show another person how much he/she means to you. Surely there are other ways as well, in my world I actually like to keep things simple by for example leaving small notes in unexpected places saying, "I miss you" or "I can't stop thinking about you".

It is all about sending those short but meaningful messages when the other person least expect you to. If everybody would do that I am sure that we would hear more people saying "I love you" more often.

Now guess what will I do tomorrow? I will create a similar text message and send it to people I care about, let's just say I will send it to ten. Go ahead, all you need to do is grab your mobile or perhaps just a pen..!

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