Sunday 20 April 2008

A female classic.

Picture: Collage made by me

I'm sure that most females would agree with me when I say that "Pretty Woman" could be seen as a female classic.

I believe it was the beautiful and talented actress Julia Roberts first movie that made her famous in Hollywood.

With her charming personality and great smile she easily became the new American sweetheart, who didn't love Julia for that?

Anyway the reason for why I'm writing about it is because they are showing it tonight on channel 3 so my plan is to see it with my mother probably, I find it hard to believe that any of my brothers would be interested in watching it ;)

Have a great day!


Just a girl said...

I think most people - women - can relate to her, not as a prostitute, but as a woman looked down upon by society (the shop assistants, at the race track, etc) and I love that she stands up for herself.

Delightful film.


About me said...

Just a girl: Haha I agree :) Julia Roberts plays the role so well!

Vivian Ward truly is an extraordinary woman and I'm sure that she's been of great inspiration to thousands of women.

Just like you wrote in your comment she stands up for herself and that is something that all females should do!


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

I saw the movie for the first time when I was still in Libya ('96-'00). I cam remember my mum telling me to cover my ears when Kit says "cinde-fucking-rella". It took me another five years to get that she was holind up condoms in several colours (I thought they were candies).

I actually made one of your brothers watch "Pretty Woman". I think he liked it! Though he might just have said that to get out of watching it again, I don't know :P