Friday 17 August 2007

I still...

I still hear your laughter like an echo inside of me. I still smell your perfume in some of the clothes I wore those days you were sitting close to me.

I still remember every feature of your beautiful face. I still think about your warm embrace and the fact that I actually felt felt very safe.

I still remember your blue eyes that always shine like the purest silver. I still cry every night but I wish that there was s way to stop all these tears that has now become a deep river.

I still hope that you let me be your guarding angel. For good and for worse I will try to protect you. I will let my spirit's light guide you through the darkness in life.

All I ever wanted was for you to know that you are special. A true gentleman who always seeks to bring out the best in people.

I still dream about you day and night. I still miss you and the way you used to lighten up my life.

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