Tuesday 18 September 2007

§ Beauty tips 1: Do you know your skin type?

Awful. I hate when it happens. I woke up with a bad hair day this morning. No matter how many different hairstyles I tried it simply did not look good so I decided to ignore it. (Which is not easy but after a while you get used to it, luckily I don't get it that often so..)

Anyway as I wrote yesterday I spent a few hours in town today with my mother. We both bought a few things and I was very pleased when I got home with a new set of products for my face.

When it comes to face products I believe I have tried almost every brand both cheaper and more expensive ones such as, Clerasil, Clinique and Biotherm etc.

My experience is that the most important thing is to investigate what type of skin you have first and then go out and look for something that suits you and your skin well.

I made that mistake who thought I knew what kind of skin-type I have and then bought the wrong products, to strong for my face. This is when I bought the products from Clerasil and Clinique.

The first option was a cheaper alternative if you compare it with the second alternative. But both of them are really strong, I would say too strong for most young women's faces. I was not satisfied with neither one of them after that I had used them for almost 1 1/2 year.

Today I have two brands which I like and use all the time, Nuxe and Biotherm. I use Nuxe cleansing gel to rinse of make-up and the Biotherm products when it comes to make-up (their concealer is the best! You can read more
here just so you know it is written in Swedish..) Sorry I have to go, time for dinner! Ciao!


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...


(och den där concealern verkar riktigt bra. Speciellt med paletten)

puss och kram :P

About me said...

Diana: Hahahaha! Jag förstod inte först men nu avslöjade Erik att han har pratat med dig.. ;)

Men TACK för att ni peppar mig! Och jag säger detsamma till er, in fact, Erik sa åt mig att säga till dig att du också borde plugga ;)

Jaha nej men jag pratar inte om den, det finns en annan på tub som jag älskar! Visserligen kanske det är bra att använda sig av en palett men jag är super nöjd med "tuben" som sagt.. :P

Puss & kram!

Drop a tear in my wineglass said...
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