Friday 14 September 2007

Busy week.

It feels so strange not to have been writing in my blog the last couple of days. The reason for it is simple: I have had a busy week, if you could call it that.

I don't know why but I have had loads of things to do among them I have been studying, run errands, met friends and last night I even went out clubbing! (It feels as if it's been a decade since I went out dancing)

Anyway so last night my girls and I went out to this great were we danced and mingled all night. I believe I came home around 3.30 AM and I slept until 12 AM..

I am not the kind of person who gets a hangover after a nights partying but instead I often wake up with a lot of pain in my feet. Yes I am a fashionable young female who loves to wear high heels! Which I believe explains everything when it comes to the "pain" in my feet I always have the next morning.

The plan for tonight is to stay in and have a nice and comfortable evening with my family. I believe my mother said something this morning about having tacos for dinner..? Yay! It is my favourite so that will totally "make" my evening!

I hope you all had a wonderful week and that you will have a great night tonight, whether if you are going out with your friends (like I wrote in the beginning of this post; I did yesterday!) or if you are staying in watching a movie or something together with family members etc.

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