Tuesday 25 September 2007

A surprise to my beloved ones.

Picture: One of my previous rhubarb pies

Within my family there has always been someone who has loved to cook or to bake. My grandmother always liked to cook to her friends and family and I believe that is the reason for why my mother has adopted that tradition by always cooking lovely meals but her gratest passion in the kitchen is to bake.

I must have inherited that special "bake-gene" from my mother because I always enjoy it while I'm in the kitchen baking something special.

Anyway so I decided to surprise my beloved ones tonight by baking one of my favourite recipes, namely a rhubarb pie!

It is delicious and you can eat it together with ice cream, whip cream or perhaps with custard - it is all up to you to decide.

Anyway but I realized that I need some ingredients so I better be off and buy a few things before I start with it. I will post the recipe later tonight. Have a great afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Åh, den ser underbart god ut! <3

About me said...

Emma: Hihi ja det är den eftersom den är bakad med så mycket kärlek :) Jag ska baka en till dig nästa gång du kommer till Sthlm! <3