Sunday 30 September 2007

Sunny Sunday.

After a long day yesterday of nothing but rain the sun finally decided to come out today and I must say that it made me happy when I woke up this morning when all I could see was how the sunlight glimpsed through my window.

Besides, my entire family woke up on the "right side" this morning (that is very unusual..) and we had a big happy family breakfast where my mother made us delicious American pancakes for breakfast. Haha almost like in a Hollywood movie or some cheese commercial as seen on the TV. But I love my family, they are the best. ♥

Anyway it's Sunday meaning cleaning/tiding the rooms, studying, a short visit to the church and take a lovely walk in the cool but sunny evening where the sun lightens up the golden leaves on all the trees and bushes.

Well that's basically what's on my schedule for today. I feel so bad for my feet though. I went out dancing on Friday, walked through the entire Skansen yesterday so I guess they really deserve to have a "day off", I think I will do a nice foot bath later tonight and "spoil" them a bit ;) Haha, so what are your plans for today?

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