Sunday 24 February 2008

Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Sunday afternoon. I lie half awake in my bed when I hear my youngest brother's light footsteps outside my bedroom door. He opens it and when he sees that I'm awake he walks in to my room. He seems to be in a good mood when he smiles at me and says "Good morning Fia".

I mumble a quiet "Good morning" while I'm still unaware of the fact wether if it is a good morning or not. He looks at the Venetian blind and I can see how he hesitates, should he pull the blind cord or not? For some reason he decides not to make a move. Atleast not yet.

I ask him with a hoarse voice, "What's the time?" as I try to fall asleep again, trying to ignore the fact that he's still in the room longing for my attention. With a deep sigh he answers, "Far too much, Fia you need to get up now."

It strikes me that it's Sunday, meaning that I have to study. Suddenly that last dream I had seems to be miles away, I can't go back to it. I struggle myself out of bed and decide to go upstairs and eat some breakfast.

If I were to decide I would probably love to spend the day in front of the TV with NO books near me! It's been a while since I saw "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I wonder if we have it? Time to find out!

Meanwhile I'll let you enjoy the beautiful picture above of the beautiful Audrey Hepburn. May you all have a great day!


Drop a tear in my wineglass said...

Thanks for the comment! I can only dream of being as ambitious and good willed (?) as her. I hope I'm on the way since I bought Fair Trade coffee today (well, it was actually a latte macchiato, which is like, hardly any coffee at all and lots of milk...but still ;P) Fait Trade cola and Fair Trade licorice tablets. I have to take you to the place I bought them - there was food too - organic, gluten free, lactose free, vegetarian etc.
One box of tablets gives a child food for a day (working with the UN) so I am well on my way to becoming a mini-Angelina, haha!
Have a great week and I might bring you coffee some day!

About me said...

D: No need for you to thank me :) You know I enjoy reading your blog and writing comments!

True, same here! Perhaps we can't do big and important things like Angelina but doing small "everyday" things should be taken under consideration too.

So if you would ask me, it sure sounds like you're on the right track by buying an everyday thing such as coffee and it's not just regular boring coffee but "Fair Trade coffee" ;) There's a big difference.

Sure! It sounds like a cool place which I would love to visit some time! I'll tell you a day/time when I'm available and we'll go there!

Haha I'm sure that you will do great becoming a mini-Angelina! I know so because you have a beautiful young heart which you will fill as time comes and like Angelina, you will reach out to people from different countries and embrace them will all your love.

You might not see this first, but in the young and unexperienced eyes of all these children you will be seen as a pure and beautiful white dove. A special person who gave them an endless love.