Sunday 17 February 2008


I'm standing here alone next to my window, staring outside at our lonely garden when I decide to pick up and embrace my pillow. I wish that I could let it all just dissapear. For one day I will get rid of this stupid fear.

If only people could stop staying that I look fine when I really don't. If only walls could talk they would tell you the truth about our history but somehow I have got the feeling that you will never believe me, no I know that none of you won't.

I simply can not help the fact that it all just reminds me of what happened many months ago, still it feels as it was just yesterday. For then my heart was in full bloom. My soul glowed like the night's bright full moon. Those days are over now. I have closed and ended that chapter, just don't ask me how.

The symbol of my faith is all I have left. There are not enough words, nor symbols to describe the feelings I had deep inside, if only you had seen how I really felt.

For it is like they say, certain memories will never fade away. There really isn't anything left that you can say.

I prefer to have loved someone deeply and lost it than to never have loved at all. I know that I will be reminded of it every year, yes especially every fall. All there is left in the end are some good and some sad memories. I'm sure that you've all heard many similar stories.

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