Thursday 7 February 2008

I'll be there soon.

Time has gone so fast, I find it hard to believe that it's almost been nine months since the last time I saw your deep and lively blue eyes. During all this time all I've kept thinking of is you and your charming smiles.

The way you always make me smile, if I could you know I would take the next flight and fly all those thousands miles. Finally, after a long winter I feel more motivated than I have felt for a long time. I do long to see you, please believe me when I say that this is nothing but the truth and no lie.

For I have forgot the number of dreams that I have dreamt about you and the magic pulse you've got inside your fingertips. Together we have danced easily through these daily illusions of mine, you should have seen the way I moved my hips.

Finally, it feels as if something actually is happening. After almost nine long months of nothing but waiting.

Tonight is a spectacular evening, I wish you could see the silver light from the bright full moon. For this I promise you, I'll be there soon.

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