Saturday 10 November 2007

It all started with a dream.

The bitter cold cuts my heart into pieces when I step outdoors. Piece by piece falls down like autumn leaves and suddenly I can not feel any attractive force.

I close my eyes and I feel how the cool wind blows through my long hair. Something has changed, I can feel it in the air.

Small snowflakes start to fall down from the grey sky. I open my eyes and wish I could fly to the clouds up high. A place where I could think, a place where no one would ask me questions such as when, how or why.

Clouds would surround me and all the most beautiful angel songs that any ears would like to hear. It is not far away from here, I think it should be somewhere here.

A girl once sung that heaven is a place nearby. Somehow I don't find that to be a lie.

Inside each heart there is a special room filled with love, hope and many other things that can be found in heaven. I have known this since I was seven.

For during cold and dark days like these I close my eyes and dream about those magic angels that are looking out for us. If it was possible I would have visited them by taking the white bus.

It is not my time yet. I still have so many different people that I haven't met.

Somehow I was blessed by having such wonderful people around. My family and true friends you are all my beautiful angels.

For it is them who bring out the best in me, gives me inspiration, supports me, love me and it is for them I sing.


Bruno Sandes® said...

give a look in your email box...
I sent you an email...
I'm looking forward for your answer...
kisses and hugs,

Bruno Sandes® said...

There's no better subject to talk about...
I got myself coming to your blog everytime when I'm in internet...
just to smile...
That's great find people like you...who thinks in a different way, and who can find inside yourself feelings and emotions like that...I hope I'm included in that "friends", who you talked about...
God knows everything...and He know why I crossed in your way...

About me said...

Bruno Sandes: Thank you for your e-mail! You better check your e-mail account if you want to read my answer! :)

Haha well I'm glad you still want to keep track of my blog by reading it when you have a computer in front of you. If it makes you smile I would say that's a big plus and somehow it makes me happy? :)

Amazing isn't it. I wonder why God made you cross my way..? But somehow I guess it was meant to happen.